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Things are Heating Up

DB Step Ups 8-8-8-8-8 each
Set step height so hip crease is below the knee at the start of the movement.

10 Minute AMRAP:
21 Double Under
15 Air Squat
9 KB Swing 53/35

Here is the 5:30am crew getting their WOD on.  Many of you may have noticed that it’s been a bit crowded in the mornings.  The PRx crew is in here, the 5:30am class is finishing up, the 6:00am class is packed every day and we have a solid group of new members in the CF 101 program.

The mornings are also extra crowded because some of the afternoon people are coming in trying to beat the heat.  If you are feeling cramped in the 6am class, I know it sucks and I hate it too, but you might consider getting up 30 minutes earlier and coming in to 5:30am.  We usually only have about 6 people in at that time and you get your hands on equipment and space before the rush.

We will do the best we can to keep space and equipment organized so everyone can do what they need to do.  On your ends, please be focused, stay on task, and be willing to share equipment or work in on things when appropriate.

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