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Turn that Turkey To Muscle Day

5 Rounds For Max Reps of the Following Sequence:
Max Reps Strict Press *
Max Reps Push Press *
Max Reps Push Jerk *

*Use 75% of your 1 Rep Max on Strict Press
You may not put the bar down during a round.
Rest as long as you want between rounds.
Score each type of press, total presses for each set, and total presses for all 5 rounds.


Justin takes the group through a quick review of the fundamentals of the overhead presses before starting the WOD.  To be successful in CrossFit it is necessary to have a good understanding of the fundamentals.  You can never practice these movements enough, greater technique is crucial to advancement in the program.

Check out the following video from on Program Design
CrossFit Programming Pt IV, Dave Castro …[wmv][mov]

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