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Watch This Instead of TV

For Time:
200m Run
100 Double Unders
200m Run
30 Sledge Hammer Hits 10/8
200m Run
100ft Lunge with Plate Overhead 45/25
200m Run
30 Alt DB Snatch 45/25
200m Run with DB 45/25

best viewed with solid internet connection in full screen mode

Podcasts are becoming evermore popular in the CrossFit world.  Darrin, our new KB/FMS guru brought this particular podcast to my attention.  I have seen a couple episodes from the guys before interviewing top CF athletes and what not, but this particular one refers to one of Darrin’s specialties, the Functional Movement Screen.

If you have some time, watch this tonight instead of your housewives show or whatever garbage you usually watch on TV.  If you do, you will be actually be getting smarter vs getting dumber from that reality show you love.

This episode is a discussion of the concepts of mobility vs. stability and how stretching may not be the answers to your injury problems.  Sometimes pain or injury show up in places of instability and our go to strategy may be to stretch the effected area.  That may help temporarily, but the effected area may already be loose or unstable and it may actually be another area all together that is tight.  And that area may not even be tight, but may be immobile due to improper movement patterns.  The human body is a highly complex system of levers and is capable of making all kinds of compensations when something is a little off.  Many of our pains or injuries are actually related to these compensations patterns.  Solving underlying issues and learning proper movement patterns can do wonders in restoring function to your life.

Treating or eliminating injury is a highly complex process because so many tissues and movement patterns contribute to the problem.  Darrin is highly trained in accessing movement patterns and has success in solving problems that people have been attempting to address on their own or even with other therapist type professionals.  He enjoys a challenge and very likely may be able to help you solve some of your issues.

If you are interested in meeting with Darrin for an assessment, email him at
You can check out more info on Darrin at his website,

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