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Watch Your Head

Sumo Deadlift

3 Rounds For Time:
Run 400m
20 Wall Balls
15 Toes To Bar

Here is another great video from Mark Bell. This time he is analyzing his and Jesse Burdick’s Sumo Deadlift. Throughout the video he really focuses on head position. When the head pops up it may result in pushing the lifter forward on their toes, as well as round the lower back. Mark says to make a nice double chin when you lift so make that happen and see if it helps.

Also, when you get to those last sets, form will breakdown a little bit. If it doesn’t it’s not heavy enough. The deadlift is a total body lift. To protect yourself from possible injury, focus on total body tension. Get stronger, don’t snap something!

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1 comment

  1. Denise Roby

    I wanted to comment yesterday, but my Dad is in the hospital and I didn’t get a chance. I want to thank everybody for coming out on Saturday night to my farewell party! It was a blast and it was a perfect night to spend quality time with everyone!! I personally want to give a HUGE HUGE thanks to Carol and Pat Penney for the AMAZING shindig that they put on! Wow! Carol DEFINITELY outdid herself and KNOWS how to make a girl feel super special! Thanks to the Penney’s and everyone else who brought food, cake, goodies, kids, etc! Everything, and I mean everything, was outstanding! The food from Evan’s was phenomenal and was completely unexpected! Alice and Kyle…..I know you helped Carol and Pat with setting up so hats off to u for making it so awesome! I truly can’t thank you all enough for the send off! Brought me to tears……many times over! Justin….Loren, Ty Ty, and ALL others as well, THANK YOU for making it all possible! From the bottom of my heart, I love you all!!!!! Corn-Julio RULES!!!!! hahaha!