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Welcome New Member Robbie Rodriguez

DB Bulgarian Split Squat 5 x 6-8 Reps Per Leg

With a partner alternate rounds for 3 Rounds Each:
400m Run
10 Alt DB Snatch HEAVY!!!

IMG_5944My name is Robbie Rodriguez. I grew up in a small town in the Central Valley, but spent a good chunk of my adult life living in San Francisco. I relocated to Sacramento after getting a job at a local public affairs firm.

Fast forward almost 5 years later; I’m still living in Sacramento. There was plenty of travel associated with my job in the early years, so I never felt like I truly “lived” in Sacramento. However, things have changed and I feel like I’m finally settling in nicely.

I had my initial CrossFit consultation with Justin on May 8th. To say that I was intimidated, would be putting it mildly. I was scared shitless! Why? — Because I’m not athletic.

My idea of strenuous activity is taking the garbage out or walking to my car. And I’m not exaggerating. Sure, I’ve had different moments in my life where my body looked better than usual. And at different times in my life, I would go to the gym more regularly or I would even hire a trainer. But the bulk of my life has definitely been spent sitting on the couch.

Time to change all that!

I definitely have fitness goals that I plan on working hard to achieve. In the short term, I want to lose some weight. Since joining CrossFit, I’ve lost over 15 lbs. —which is awesome! I would be ecstatic if I could drop another 15-20 lbs.

My primary long term goal would be to just stick with it. I don’t want to quit and short change myself. The hardest part of CrossFit for me is the drive over. I start doubting myself, and (sometimes) have thoughts of quitting. But I need to hold myself accountable and stay committed to this.

I’m really glad that I started coming to CFES. I really enjoy the atmosphere and the camaraderie. I also really appreciate everyone’s feedback and support as I’m still figuring this stuff out.

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