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What Just Hit Me?

For Time:
10 Muscle Up
10 Power Snatch 135/85
Run 400m
8 Muscle Up
8 Power Snatch 135/85
Run 400m
6 Muscle Up
6 Power Snatch 135/85
Run 400m
4 Muscle Up
4 Power Snatch 135/85
Run 400m
2 Muscle Up
2 Power Snatch 135/85

Yuri is shown here demonstrating the after effects of relentless intensity,  If you have never had this feeling, its time to seriously step up your intensity.  The shorter the effort, the more intensity you will be able to squeeze out of yourself.  The more intense you go, the more and faster you will see results. 

The variables you can consider in your training are volume, duration, frequency and intensity.  Volume is how much work will be done in a given training session, miles, reps, rounds.  Duration is how long you will train. Frequency is how often will you train, 3 days a week, 5-6 days a week, 3 on 1 off.  And the most important training variable is intensity, or the effort level of the training, wattage, horsepower, Force x Distance/Time.  Intensity above all other training variables is what our bodies thrive off of and it is what is missing from traditional fitness routines.  When considering all training variables together, frequency, volume and duration should all be adjusted to maximize intensity.

Before your next WOD, make sure you have scaled the WOD to maximize the intensity.  Choose loads that you will be able to move quickly and adjust the length of sets to that which you can finish quickly with proper form.  Then imagine yourself as an invincible and fearless warrior, or a pitbull with rabies, or what ever gets you fired up.  You have to get your mind in the Zone if you are going to properly challenge your body.  When you hear 3, 2, 1, go… unleash every bit of intensity you have in your body and don't stop until your last rep is complete.  If you must rest, all you are thinking about is how soon you can do one more rep and one more and one more until there are no more.  When you are finished with the WOD, you should be suffering at a level that only a crazy person would self-inflict.  If you can manage to push yourself to this level of discomfort, you will have endless potential to improve and the sky is the limit on what you can achieve.

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