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Why Are We Here?

Backsquat 3-3-3-1-1-1

Shoulder press 8×3 60-65%

Shoulder press 8×3 60-65% 1RM
Burpee Squat Clean Thruster 30/20
Double Under

Whats Your Story (widescreen) 

No, I'm not asking you the obligatory Tibetan/philosophical "whats the meaning of life" question.  I'm not asking you what the meaning of our existence as human beings, Americans, moms and dads, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters etc. I'm definitely not asking what gets you our of bed each morning or why you go to a job you hate every day, or even why you worship the god you choose to… we all have our reasons for the path that we take.  The Buddha and even good ol' Jesus say that "life is pain."  We suffer, we try to provide for our loved ones, we hopefully do less harm than good, we raise our babies and teach them how to love, and then we die.  (Wow this post is off to a great start Trav, thanks and good morning to you too, right?? stay with me…)

I mean the same thing, but not QUITE as deep.  What is the meaning of your "crossfit" life?  What brought you to our doors and what were the circumstances that brought you to this style of training?  Who was your "crossfit missionary" (who showed you the light, told you the "good news" read you the gospel etc etc… sorry for so many christian references to religious doctrine, but that's all i got.  YES at one point in my life i was actually NOT a total heathen. un-be-freakinleaveable, i know.) and what is it that keeps you coming back grueling workout after grueling workout?  What is it about constantly varied functional movements at high intensity that strikes your fancy?  Were you a former athlete that needed an outlet for competitive desire?  Were you a "fitness virgin' that was somehow "fitness roofied" into trying out these wild workouts you had heard of now your lust for intensity is too much for the conventional gym to satisfy? (because our gym IS very similar to some crazy fraternity house where the cool kids hang out and blow off steam, duh.)  Maybe you were a mom or a grandma who wanted to make sure she could save a trip to the car by carrying both babies and groceries at the same time?  Or perhaps you were a recovering member of the globo gym addicted (including but not limited to bodybuilders, aerobics/spinning instructors and students, triathletes and runners, or anyone who's fitness regiment that began with chest and tris on Monday, and finished with arms on Friday before you went out to the clubs you vain bastard. AHEM.)?

So, that's how you got here… now what is it exactly that keeps you coming back?  How come the first thing you do when you get out of bed in the morning (after you update your status, you cyber dork) is glance at this website?  I'll bet its more than just the suspense of seeing what kind of beating you're in for.  Seriously though, what is it that keeps you coming through our doors?  Did you do your first ever life time achievement award style pull-up?  Maybe you weren't ever able to do a push up and now you find yourself working diligently on trying to press yourself out of a handstand?  Maybe you used to get winded climbing out of the elevator and now you find yourself taking the stairs for "fun."  Perhaps you were already strong and athletic but you just wanted to see what the "sport of fitness" was all about, and now you are hooked?

 Furthermore, WHO keeps you coming back?  There are Crossfit boxes popping up all over the greater Sacramento area, the greater CF community is everywhere now, what keeps you HERE?  Do you have a favorite workout partner?  Someone who is your "crossfit  nemesis" spy vs. spy style, battling each other day in and out for a few pounds here and a few seconds there?  Do you have a favorite coach?  Is there someone who makes learning fitness particularly fun and enjoyable for you?  Or maybe there is someone in the gym who knows just what to say to make you work a little harder and longer. (i know i cant put hard and long together in the same sentence with out bro mike coming unglued, so its probably a good thing his comments are disabled. ha.)  I know many of us have made lifelong friendships based on something as silly as our mutual affinity for barbell squats!  Where else are you going to find something like that?

Take a few minutes today to post your own crossfit story.  How did you end up with us here at CFES, how long have you been with us, and what keeps you coming back?  Let me also be the first to say "thank you" for sticking with us.  You all are the reason that  I get to wear my pajamas to work, not shave for months at a time, and basically live the dream.

WHY ARE YOU HERE?  post thoughts to comments. 

"coach introspective" -Trav


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  1. Jennifer R.

    Travis is right–there is a spiritual aspect to crossfit– a code of behavior, ritual, and practice that comes from a set of central tenets upon which we base out lives, and Crossfit East Sac maintains a deep and ongoing commitment to these:
    I am your WOD, your only WOD, thou shalt have no other WOD before me. Thou shalt not run before me or do bicep curls after me.
    Thou shalt use no mirrors in the gym. Useth thy trainers and thy fellow crossfitters to establish full range of motion and to build community.
    Thou shalt not take the WOD in vanity. If the weights are beyond thy safety and strength, SCALE IT!
    Remember thy rest day and keep it holy (yes, that short easy run is a violation thereof).
    Thou shalt honor other sports.
    Thou shalt not cherry-pick.
    Thou shalt not fail to wipe down equipment upon which thou hast bled.
    Thou shalt not fail to pay for and label thy water bottle.
    Thou shalt not bear false witness on our whiteboard, nor in thy fitness journal. No one is fooled.
    Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors equipment, much less take it from him mid-WOD.

  2. I predict a lot of blog comments today. I’ll have to come back to do mine because I am on my way to my job, which I LOVE (most days). Agree with the spiritual side of crossfit and sports. I just finished re-reading Shoeless Joe because I am going to teach it to my kids in the spring, and there are spiritual references all over the place. You’re in good company, Travis.

  3. Travis

    Jen… Simply freaking awesome.
    That was so pious I feel guilty swearing in the midst of that 😉

  4. So much material to work with here…
    Travis discussing religion. Awesome.
    A subcontractor of mine on a previous project introduced me to CF. I was bitching about going to 24 hour downtown and being continually creeped out by old dudes who would stare at my amazing ass (weirdly, they all reminded me of Turner…). He kept it simple, wasn’t a total Kool-Aid kid about it and I immediately checked out a few boxes that night online. I chose CFES and am never going anywhere else.
    It’a about the people. Plain and simple. The coaches keep this place together, the clients give it life. Lene’s dog gives it a slight touch of anorexia…
    The best part? What this place does for your self esteem. For a cocky asshole like myself, I can fire away the crudest or most smart ass comments at coaches and select others and know that I will get a response that matches, if not exceeds my wit level. That alone does wonders. Screw the WOD, I’m in it for the mind-WOD. The workouts aren’t so bad either.
    Oh yeah, and the monthly dues are liberating as well.

  5. dawn

    I joined CFES because after I sold my business I had a lot of free time on my hands. I wanted to get in shape and quit smoking. I was told you can’t smoke and do the WOD’s. Well, I challenged that for a little over a year, but can now say that I have quit smoking. I still can’t run worth a shit, but give me another year.
    I love the people, the atmosphere, the fact that there are no mirrors, Tv’s, showers (Ok, there is 1 shower), saunas etc. It is straight up ass kicking on a regular basis…no frills. At other gyms people aren’t rooting for you, yelling at you to “Do it!”, People at other gyms rarely talk to each other
    (Atleast that was my experience).
    My favorite coach? The one that isn’t in a pissy mood that day.

  6. I’m with Ryan, where to begin…
    My girlfriend introduced me to CrossFit when she stumbled across the games when in Santa Cruz in ’09 and suggested it might be something I’m into. At this moment I had just had my second grandchild and could no longer carry little Lene in my arms without crumbling so I knew something had to give. Also, I for the first time since I could remember was no longer involved in competative sports and was searching for a new outlet. That’s what got me in.
    I was quickly addicted and fascinated by the limits of human potential. I was accustomed to feeling fit but when I tried a couple of workouts and compared my times I was blown away by just how fit some people can be.
    Ultimately, I came to East Sac because of Travis Cassidy. I mean, look at the man, can you say GORGEOUS. But I suppose it was also to learn from the best and get myself into an atmosphere that would force me to learn and adapt. This is part of what keeps me coming back to crossfit. One can never be all-knowing and no one can be perfectly fit. There is also something highly rewarding about working hard and measuring that success in a quantifiable way (there are few other places in life that offers this). I think there is also something addicting about intensity. I often mid-wod find myself questioning why I’d put myself through such hell but soon thereafter I cannot wait for the next hell-ride.
    longest comment ever??

  7. Hollis

    God I love it when Travis posts. I can see our favorite caveman sitting
    there pounding on the keys, scratching his head and getting all
    intellectual… which is one of the main reasons I keep coming back. Our
    coaches are SMART. Trav is smart. Justin is Smart. Blake is smart. AO is
    smart. Brooke was wicked smart. Lene is… a really nice guy. They’re all
    book smart, street smart, fitness smart, funny smart, witty smart, just
    effing smart. I know I can come to any of them at any time and ask them a
    question and get a pretty legit answer whether it be about my form, an
    injury, nutrition, history, zombies or web videos that make you cringe. And
    if they don’t know the answer, they don’t BS.
    Another reason I keep coming back is the people. Coming to the same class
    every day and suffering with the same people each time has yielded some of
    the best friends I’ve ever had. People that genuinely care, notice when you
    don’t show up for a class, cheer you through a tough WOD or even a tough
    day at work. I love coming to class and smiling and laughing through most
    of it. Most days, it’s the highlight of my day (other than when I get to go
    to sleep). These people are awesome.
    I also come back for myself. I once fancied myself an athlete until I came
    here and Justin told me “I can tell you weren’t very athletic.” It had been
    6 years since I had taken fitness seriously. Sure I went to a globo to get
    “skinny” and to be able to run a half marathon. But I never really liked it
    (except the eucalyptus steam room, spa and free laundry service at the
    Capital Athletic Club; that was pretty awesome), and I never really got
    “fit.”  When I started at CFES my max strict press was 33#. So much for
    being fit. Now I’m at 115#. When I started I did pull-ups with the big fat
    white band. Now I can do 65# from a dead-hang. I’ve gotten stronger, more
    confident (clearly), and have learned to take care of my body. I stretch
    every day, eat better (well, most of the time), take fish oil and LOVE the
    way I feel after WOD. I can’t imagine ever doing anything else.

  8. Hollis

    I win, Blake. As my good friend Yeezy once said, “I guess this is my dissertation / Homie, this shit is basic.

  9. Shem Stygar

    Google the “answerto life the universe and everything”

  10. I almost forgot. The looks of horror on certain members faces when explicit “urban music” is blasting over the stereo also keeps me coming back.
    That and knowing that I am in the presence of “Competitors” (the shirt says so), and “elite athletes” keeps my hopes of greatness by osmosis alive.
    Throwing a 4loko in the fridge just to piss Justin off always makes for a great Friday, or Monday, whatever.

  11. Sean T.

    Great post Travis.
    I ended up at CFES simply by luck. A friend of mine one day posted some pictures on Facebook from a Crossfit event she participated in, and it piqued my interest. I googled Crossfit gyms, and CFES happened to be the closest to my house. Simple as that.
    Funny how luck works. The reasons I keep coming back are pretty much the same as everyone else. I especially enjoy knowing that everytime I come in for a WOD, I have hands down the best coaches in the area watching over me, helping me improve, preventing me from seriously hurting myself,and simultaneously ripping on me for whatever stupid shit I do. As long as I’m a Sacramento-area resident, I’ll be a CFES client.

  12. Travis

    I love, LOVE hearing this shit. It’s great to hear that you guys enjoy so much something that we have collectively created. This is YOUR gym. We coach and point the way but it’s YOU who make up the community, and the experiences. Hollis you are the absolute definition of what can happen with consistency. Ryan, you are probably the most fun to verbally spar with. Ari, I like my job too, especially when inget to see people like tou make leaps and bounds in their firness and become addicted to Clean livog. Sean, you are improving every time I see you.

  13. Pete H

    What gets me into the box is very simple: I’m never sorry I went.
    I can’t overemphasize how much I have to remind myself of that *every time* to get myself to go. And I promise myself that if I start to become sorry I went, I’ll let myself stop. That’s how much I never feel like showing up.
    I don’t have time now to enumerate the reasons I’m not sorry afterward. But that mantra is my key to sticking with it.

  14. I like the sense of accomplishment, in a shared environment. And the events.

  15. Brooke

    Man, all i have to say is you guys are so lucky. This shit makes me miss you guys more and more. my favorite clients at my gym are rookie and train. rookie just got a PR kettlebell drag yesterday of 53# across the lawn to greet a client. the days just get better and better. i miss my wod buddy travy.

  16. Shem Stygar

    I like the sense of community, the reason I keep coming back is because this stuff is hard. It pushes me way or of my comfort zone and has defined muscles on me I didn’t know I had. I also like that people check their egos at the door,and I get to meet people who share similar values in life.

  17. Jen

    Its pretty obvious why I’m here.. to kick ass and take names. Not so much.. but a girl can dream.
    The honest reason why I’m here is obviously Travis, without him.. I’d be floating, childless, and probably 400lbs. LOVE YOU TRAVIS! 😉 He’s the reason I got here, and he’s the reason I stay.. along with all the relationships we’ve formed. Plus its the best gym I’ve been to.. even if I wasn’t biased.
    Now to be more consistent.. Its really hard for me showing up to the gym and have multiple classes, and a sea of people working out. Being gone for over a year (last months of pregnancy, back problems as a result, then working out outside of CF class times).. It may seems lame to most people, but it gives me a ton of anxiety..

  18. Aaron

    Why do I CFES?
    For myself; An hour not thinking about anything else!
    For my wife; She says I am happier when I am doing crossfit.
    For my kids; So I can still whoop’em when I am 50 and they are 15!

  19. Kelli Brogan

    Great post Travis very thought provoking.
    I don’t really know where to begin. I do remember the first day I walked into CFES and was totally amazed on how strong and fit everyone was, and thinking that hopefully one of these days I will be like them.
    I have to thank my husband Matt for helping me to make time to get here the last few months. Being a stay at home mom, as some of you know, it is really hard to make time for yourself with small kids.
    What makes me get here three days out of the week? I LOVE working out knowing that my body and mind benefit from all of this hard work. I know that I am physically and mentally stronger than my friends who are training for varous marathons.
    The best aspect working out at CFES are the great coaches and the great people that I have met.
    That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

  20. Alice

    I Crossfit because I like to eat cake, and don’t like being fat. I Crossfit because I was inspired by my mom. I Crossfit because I love spending time with my handsome husband doing something that benefits us both and strengthens our relationship. I Crossfit because I love being competitive, being part of a team, and periodically kicking some ass ( I love a good ego boost). But the greatest thing that Crossfit has given us is an amazing group of friends. Thank you all for enriching our lives, and for luring us back to the gym 3 days a week, with “arms wide open” (ha).

  21. Before CrossFit I felt like I was never “good enough”. Not smart enough, athletic enough, pretty enough, tough enough, and not good enough for B. Was once on the borderline of an eating disorder, went through bouts of depression, saw therapists, and ended up in the hospital for a lame ass suicide attempt.
    Although I still fight insecurities and need to get outta “wanna be” mode, CrossFit makes me feel strong. Not just in a physical way, but it makes me a stronger person and gives me the confidence I need not just to get thru a tough WOD, but to get thru life. I maybe only able to PR by a measly 2 pounds at a time but it makes me feel “good enough”.
    My thanks goes to B for sticking w/ me, to Justin and Travis for introducing us to CrossFit and to the CFES family who have changed our lives forever.
    Aside from that, I LOVE SHT!

  22. Big Rob

    I came to one of the Free Saturday classes about 3 years ago and the WOD was FGB. I remember Brooke telling me after I did 1 SDHP that “That shit doesn’t count, you gotta do more than just 1”. Right then and there I fell in love with this place.
    I’ve had many ups and downs while I’ve been here, between actually focusing on getting better or just trying to maintain. Currently in the “get better” mode. I agree that the community here is awesome and that when I do go to a globo gym I don’t feel the energy or soul of the place.
    The highlight to my day, everyday, is seeing my friends at CFES.

  23. Matt Brogan

    I have to thank Lene for pulling me over from the GloboGym a few years ago and bringing me to the 6am class so I could “see the light”…..and the support of all the CFES coaches and members makes me want to stay.
    Some of the things I love about CFES:
    Having an hour and a half to not think about work/kids/life and just figure out how I will make it through a WOD.
    Knowing that the hardest part of my day is over by 7am.
    Having people at the office ask “you did what?”
    Feeling better at 35 than I did at 25.
    Feeling like an athelete again.
    I am extremely grateful for having found CFES.

  24. harlan

    I have been to several CF gyms, we are blessed to have such great coaching. CFES has a well deserved reputation and I am proud to say that I train with you people. The programming is great, the warmups are well designed, and the comraderie is heartwarming. I love competing, and while my best days physically are behind me, the mental aspect is still fulfilling. I will be doing this shit forever.
    PS- I miss you Brooke!

  25. Alice – nice Creed reference, now I’m going to go throw up.
    Mainly, I do crossfit so i can get some quality mirror time in at home. Boom. (Thanks Hollis)

  26. Leah

    Crossfit, specifically CFES, came into my life 6 months ago because I’d hit a rough patch in life and I needed my mind and body beaten down a little bit more! Sadistic, yes. 🙂 But seriously, Brian Brooks, my co-worker and one of my best friends had been encouraging me for months to give CF a go…I thought, “I’m motivated enough to kick my own butt, why would I pay someone to tell me what to do??” Ha! Well 6 months later I can tell you I am so happy to have joined and gladly accept the butt kicking that I take each day I step into CFES. Not only do I enjoy the variety and difficulty of what we are doing but I love the competitive nature it brings out in each of us. I love watching people accomplish something they never thought they were capable of. I love laughing, smiling and wanting to barf during each WOD. Plain and simple for me, it’s fun and its challenging. Thanks to the coaches and the members for creating such a great, cult like atmosphere. I’m happy to have drank the kool-aid.

  27. I got here after my interest was piqued by the CFES banner facing 65th street and checking out the website ands going to the free Saturday WOD you used to have. I was bored to tears at Capitol Athletic Club (although like Hollis, I so miss the steam room), and hoping to find some fitness activity that inspired me the way kickboxing did (the real kind, not that Tae Bo bullshit). I’ve done step classes, swimming, running, spinning, Pilates, yoga, boxing, you name it, but until I got here, I always got bored with the repetition and lost my enthusiasm after a while. I can say with confidence I will do this for the rest of my life. I keep coming back because it’s a healthy outlet for my Type-A, OCD, hyper-competitive side (ask Trey why we can’t be on the same team for most sports and games). As 40 approaches, I’ve been thinking a lot about not wasting my physical potential. I think it would be so sad to go through life and never challenge yourself physically and mentally with some sort of physical pursuit. We’re built to run fast, climb trees, lift and throw heavy stuff, and I think it’s a shame that so many people never try to discover, let alone find out, what they’re capable of. We only get one trip, in one body (unless the Hindus have it right after all), and I don’t want to waste it!

  28. Bryan Turner

    Truth be told, it wasn’t Lippman’s ass that brought me into the gym (that would be so gay) it was his biceps. I actually started training with Justin right after my Dad died nearly four years ago. We were very close and he was 30 years older than me and with everything that I have to live for (my two daughters and my super model wife) I decided it was my obligation to do what I could to stick around as long as possible. I dedicate each and every workout to my Dad and my girls; it’s what helps me keep comming back. Crossfit has also helped me deal with the stress and depression associated with the recession and its effect on my business. Meeting Justin and being introduced to Crossfit couldn’t have come at a better time me; it has changed my life.

  29. I found out about CF from Justin and Travis in early 2008. Justin had me watch this video of a wod that someone was doing on the internet and he told me that i should give it a try. That was when I was about 240 lbs and not really an athlete anymore and just worked out to eat. (well, I still workout to eat but just better at it now).
    CFES has been the fountain of youth for me and Cherie. CFES has been couples therapy for Cherie and I (as some of you have witnessed). CFES has balanced my life with Cherie, Kids, and the job. Even on the most frustrating of days I enjoy coming in to CFES to get my ass handed to me. Who ever said self-inflicted pain wasen’t thereapy. It is the best therapy around.

  30. Lesley Heller

    I have been at CFES since its inception. Justin was my trainer at Arden Hills and when he and Travis opened CFES I wanted to be supportive so I joined. Wasn’t planning on staying very long, just wanted to help them get started. Still here. What keeps me coming back, one word, XENIA. Thx Xenia for keeping me focused and being my workout buddy.

  31. Robb B.

    Best workouts I’ve ever done, overseen by the best coaching I’ve ever received.

  32. Angela Picco

    I discovered CF at a work training event in West Virginia when another student was talking about it, and I asked if I could do her workout with her that night. It kicked my ass. We are talking pain for 5 days. So, I worked on convincing Maggie (fellow former rower and epic friend) to do it, and we signed up for On-ramp the next month! Basically, we chose CFES because it had the On-ramp program and the people looked fun in the photos on the website.
    I do CF because it makes me feel great, it is good for my health, I like being yelled at by good coaches (brings me back to my rowing and swimming days), the variety prevents boredom, I really enjoy the people at CFES, and it seems to make my previous injuries not hurt as much. Amazing.

  33. I got sick of doing shit by myself in my garage and decided I needed more. Though I’ve been totally in and out lately, it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Crossfit has changed my life. I always thought I’d just be a fatass. Now, I’m a not-so-fatass… I’ve trained at other CFs and CFES is the best I’ve seen so far. The coaching, the standards, the people. All of it. Listening to the 6:30 banter is a good way to laugh after a rough day at work. The WODs (such as today’s evil one) ensure that I don’t lose my shit/flip my lid if said rough day extends into the night. After one year now, I’m stronger, healthier, and all around better. I’d say faster, but a good number of people might just call bullshit, so I’ll keep that to myself. Sean T. is my nemesis. Why? I dunno… I guess because his name is Sean and I have a secret self loathing. Also, he squats more than me… dick. :p

  34. Hollis

    I forgot to say my nemesis damnit. It’s Ryan because his boobs are bigger than mine. No matter how many bench presses I do I’ll never catch up.

  35. I started doing CF in the garage after stress fracturing my foot from logging too many miles running. I was still racing motorcycles at the time and one of my friends suggested getting some personal instruction from this great coach named Justin Riley at CF East Sac. I live and work on the south end of Elk Grove, so the drive up to CFES is a bit of a stretch for me, but I started with some personal training, made tons of improvement, then fell off my bike and injured myself causing set back after set back. Justin just patiently worked through all the injuries with me and got me back to where I could make some progress till I’d hurt myself again. Eventually I was able to rearrange my schedule so that I could get in 3 days/week and joined. Justin was the reason I signed on, but all of the trainers and members are the reason I’ve stayed for so long. When people find out where I live, they always say, “Wow! And you drive all the way up to CFES?!” Yep, I do and I feel like it’s worth it! Coming in to suffer with you folks is always the highlight of my day.

  36. I just like to blog here :).
    Does Travis know us or what? Just start a conversation about “you and crossfit” and we’ll be chiming in harmoniously all day. And why not, after all it’s 2 favorite topics in one conversation.
    When I first walked through CFES doors, Justin said:”Are you sure you want to do this? Wouldn’t you rather go have a cup of coffee and relax?” Shocking… but I’ve learned later that our coaches can sum up a person or a situation in about 5 seconds. That’s fast! I want to have the same kind of ass-ertiveness as our elite… someday, maybe.

  37. Carol Penney

    I’m saving these to read instead of my book tonight. I was fortunate enough to do a “Testimonial” which happens to be the first one to pop up when you click on it. Other than that, all of the above, and Justin and Travis are just so darn cute, just like my little boy, 6’3″ and 23 and lives far away in L.A.

  38. Angela

    I received an email blast every day for two months about cfes. I signed up
    out of desperation to NOT do another elliptical machine or step class again. And it was too cold outside for FRBC. My first day I did 100 burpees for time I once said I wasn’t coming to cfes anymore (it was an April Fools joke and I was told that “I will show up at your house and drag you here by the back of your hair.” And today I had to be bailed out (not once but twice) and both times had my ponytail yanked back and dragged down with the bar. I believe what they say!
    Oh, and I love Travis. And all the other wonderful friends I’ve made here.

  39. Eileen

    I came to CFES with Travis when he left Arden Hills. Everyone knows how much I adore him. He has taught me to believe in myself every day and attempt things I never thought I could. I’ve stayed at CFES because of that, because I have made some of the best friends of my life, and because it makes my daughter proud of me.

  40. adam k

    I worked out at 24 hr for about 2 years, lost about 50 lbs and was actually making some decent strength gains. Albeit I was admittedly clueless when it came to “programming.” A Marine friend of mine had told me about CF so I frequently referred to the mainsite for coaching. i had a few friends who would poke fun at how obsessive I was about working out and eating clean. So my solution was simple… I joined CFES because I just wanted to be around people that were just as passionate about working out.
    I definitely wasn’t expecting to 1.) make all these amazing friends 2.)Check this blog all day, everyday 3.)Daydream of crossfit constantly 4.)Receive such amazing coaching
    All in all, coming to CFES (word to the dirt six thirt) is by the highlight of my day!

  41. Jamie P

    My story? I come for the hot chicks. They’re everywhere, man. ; )

  42. Jamie suggested I look into CFES. She was working out at Lean On Me and told me about his place. Over Justin’s many objections, I joined.
    Why do I keep coming back? I have recently realized that I remember my dad at the age that I am now. I cannot imagine my dad doing a 49″ box jump, running sub 6 minute miles, or squatting 350# pounds at 37 years old.
    When I started, I was getting burned out on long slow distance triathlon training. My intent was to “supplement” my tri training in an effort to get faster and avoid repetitive stress injuries because I broke my leg running marathons in 2008. Then I fell in love with this junk.
    Why CFES? the trainers (even after Brooke left) and the CF Nemesis program. I love competing with the Nabetas, with Big Rob, with Justin and Josh and Trav and Angela (on a 2 to 1 ratio) each one of them brings more out of me then I would ever do working out alone.
    It’s the people, its the sport, its the competition and its the people.

  43. So basically, we all totally hate this place.

  44. Ellie

    Newbie on the blog…be nice ya’ll
    My story…hmmmm…
    I knew I needed to start exercising mainly for stress management. Jobs can be awfully stressful…mine is stressful most of the time and the only exercise I was getting was chasing my fantastic special education kiddos around school :). I was tired all of the time…and it just wasn’t working out for me anymore.
    I joined Crossfit because my boyfriend, Sean T., had been coming for a while. At first…I wanted nothing to do with it. I had been to Crossfit competitions and saw people cry, had seen the t-shirts with the cartoon character throwing up, and watched Sean struggle in the morning after a 6:00 am WOD (FYI…those recruiting tactics aren’t the best…just in case you were wondering). I was absolutely terrified! Terrified of the workouts and the coaches (I heard stories of Brooke yelling and people when she trained them)…I’m still pretty scared of the coaches…Travis mainly (there, I admitted it)…I’m sure you’re really nice but…you’re kinda scary…a little. I did private on ramp with Blake and now I love it.
    Why do I keep coming back? Because I know the coaches are the best, I can count on 3 hours of week of stress free pain and suffering :), I laugh more, I have a calf muscle (thanks Blake), I can now do a pull-up (just one, but I’m really stoked about it), being part of the dirty six-thirty sounded fun, and the last time I had to run for a warm-up…I actually enjoyed it.
    Everyday I come…I’m just as terrified as the last day. But every time I’m done…I can’t wait for the next time. Who wouldn’t keep comin back…DUH!

  45. Stacey

    I started doing crossfit 2 1/2 years ago because my sis, Jen T. and Trav, bullied me into it. I got tired of my sister telling me how stupid I was for running 6++ miles every day and how much better crossfit is. My husband, Brian, NEVER worked out, ever, but I got him to go with me. We lived in the bay area then and went to Jason Khalipa’s gym. We were pretty much instantly hooked. All that running I did, never gave me the “high” that crossfit wods did.
    I’ve never really been fat, but I always thought I was (sometimes I still think I am), I was however skinny fat. I did every diet under the sun, starvation, south beach, weight watchers and jenny craig and I was never happy with how I looked no matter how much weight I lost. I didn’t learn anything “real” about nutrition until I started crossfitting. Now I realize I want to be strong, not skinny. It’s still hard, but I notice now that I pay less attention to the number on the scale and more attention to how I feel and how my clothes fit. I like this way of life SO much better. I’ve never felt so strong and healthy in my life!
    Now, we live in Sac and obviously we would want to work out here to be with my sis and Trav. I’m not as consistent as I used to be, but I’m trying to get back to where I was.

  46. …too tired to come up with anything really insightful today. Simply, CFES is my extended family, and has become a vibrant community filled with interesting and awesome people. I look forward to every day I can get into the gym, and enjoy the competition and camaraderie from you all. You are my tribe.

  47. John Michelmore

    Wow. some great responses, and from some really great people. I was first introduced to Crossfit through Chris, my oldest, who found out about the concept of Crossfit through Brian N, as a great crosstraining for his swimmers. When he first suggested I give it a try, I thought it was pretty funny to be honest with you. At an earlier age, and with less “non-workout” days under my belt, I would have thought it was great. But, he finally convinced me to come in and talk to Justin. My journey has been over two years now, and filled with minor injuries and setbacks. However, it has been one I wouldn’t have foreseen, nor (now in retrospect) would have wanted to miss.
    Even though there may be some things I’m never able to do, I can do most things now I haven’t done in 25-30 years. I feel better about myself, and healthier than I have in I don’t know how long. I can’t tell you how cool it is to call up one of my sons and tell them I PR’d in something….after watching all their swim meets in high school and college (and thinking my life was over in any kind of athletic competition)I never thought I’d be doing that!
    And, lastly, the people are great! The joking is there, but the reality is that we all really do care about each other…….even if most of us would never admit it. If it’s a cult, we could be doing worse……
    Justin, Travis, Chris L (Brooke when you were here), have created a great community. When my son Chris started his box, CFES is the place that he wanted to be most like!
    Guess I’ll be coming back until I just can’t, which, hopefully, will be a long time aways!

  48. Tirza

    I crossfit because it keeps me humble and sane. Because it clears my mind. Because I can’t get enough. Because I go through WOD withdrawals. Because I enter with a smile and leave with a smile. Because I can see and feel the effects of my hard work. Because no matter how strong I am or how fast I am there is always someone far stronger or faster or more coordinated or more graceful than myself. Because its a community that is accepting of all shapes, sizes, and abilities. Because it is a community that cares about one another. Because I drank the kool-aid.

  49. Jamie P

    Love it, Tirza!! We miss you.

  50. Ashley Latimer

    Great post Travis. CFES has been nothin short of a breath of fresh air-even though mostly I’m gasping for it when I’m there. I look forward to getting my butt handed to me in a WOD alongside some of the coolest people I’ve been blessed to know. Becoming a part of this sport and our community couldn’t have come at a more opportune time in my life. I needed a place over the past year to be pushed to places mentally and physically I never knew I was capable of. Sometimes to just work so hard that I couldn’t think at all. Sounds super cheesy, but it really translates to a confidence and sense of being able to ‘handle anything’ in life that I did not have previously-and desperately needed! I, obviously, appreciate the SUPERB coaching we receive here, and beyond that the sensitivity and care from Justin, Chris, Travis and Brooke during a rough patch/es for me. You guys are awesome. Thank you for creating a community and gym that’s so darn lovable : )

  51. I joined CFES for a couple of reasons. First, my exercise routine had gotten stale. Run a 5k on the treadmill, and climb some hills on the elliptical. I was one of those who would read books while working out on low impact machines. I got to a point where I was looking forward to my gym time, not for the workout, but so I could read the next chapter in the book. The priorities were all wrong. Which brings me to the second reason: I had become a workaholic. I never really gave much credence to the “work-life balance” concept until my own life felt completely bogged down in work.
    I stay at CFES because it restored the “life” to my balance. I feel more alive when I have pushed myself through a WOD. I feel proud and satisfied when I have acquired a new skill (I’m still stoked that I have unbanded pull-ups and it’s been, like, 2 months!). I feel like I have actually traveled somewhere on my Adventures in Paleo. I feel a whole lot less lonely; my nose is out of the books and I look forward to my gym time, not just for the workout, but so I can work out with other people who inspire me and care about my progress.
    Brooke kept me coming back to CFES. At first. She made a point to say hi to me every time I walked in the door, even after I was out of her On-Ramp class. I thought I would miss that when she left – and I do, because, I just miss her – but it took her leaving for me to see just how much everyone cares about everyone else in this place. Someone says hi to me every time I walk through that door. If it’s 4:30 on Monday, it’s Harlan. If it’s Saturday morning at 8:30, it’s Sabrina. If it’s 9:00 a.m. during the summer, it’s Carol Penney. With friends like these, who needs nemeses?
    Thanks for everything, and WOD you.

  52. Claudia (Bro Mike's and Matt's mom)

    Brought me to crossfit? Matthew kept telling about the great workouts, while rolling against a ball or stretching off and on all day. Wow this looks like fun I told myself. Actually I was looking for a way to get a regular exercise program in my life. Did I say regular? There is nothing regular or normal about what we do. Once I started coming to the box, I felt I was a part of something big. Everyone is so encouraging, supportive and humorous. It wasn’t long before I realized I was no longer stiff with arthritis, now I was stiff and my muscles were asking me what the hell are you doing to yourself. I was becoming fit!! I enjoy the WODS and really enjoy actually getting through the WODS. Yesterday I actually had a one rep max of a 200 lb. deadlift. So in less than a year I have progessed from not able to do one sit up to lifting 200 pounds. Woo hoo as bro Mike would say and awesome Mom from Matthew. Cross fit has definitely become a family affair. Thank you Travis, Justin, Brooke, Blake and Chris. My Crossfit birthday is also my birthday. Crossfit was my 60th birthday present to myself.

  53. AO

    I crossfit because, after my first wod – Fran, I found out how out of shape I really was. I did the whole globogym thing and it got boring fast. I thought I was eating clean and I wasn’t. I started doing the 300 “Spartan” workout religiously for a while. One day this personal trainer named Forest saw me doing the workout and told me to check out Crossfit. That was August of 2009 and I haven’t looked back. It definitely fills the void I had from amatuer golf. In golf one must chip away at their weaknesses and make them your strengths just like with crossfit. The golf swing requires timing, balance, accuracy, power, coordination, etc. Learning the swing is similar to learning the snatch and other complex movements in crossfit and it’s an ever learning process with both. Pushing myself past my mental limits and then pushing even more is what excites me and fuels my love for this sport.

  54. EricH

    This is such a great thread!
    I spent Cinco De Mayo on the patio at Aoli having dinner and (too many) drinks with a large group of both friends and strangers. By sheer dumb luck, a CFES’er (Mac) was seated directly across from me and my buddy Danny, and he was waxing poetic about CF. We were sold. Called Monday morning, did our intro session with Justin that week, and started onramp with Brooke the week after that – come to think of it, we were probably her last two onrampees before she went away to Oregon. Anyway, I haven’t seen Mac since but I definitely owe him … thanks man!
    Why do I come back or stay? Well, we’re about 54 posts in at this point so maybe I’ll just go with dittos. Maybe this: I come back because the WOD’s at CFES are fucking hard, and in these days of air conditioning and office jobs, I really appreciate that. Before CF, I can’t remember the last time I had worked at anything hard enough that I thought I was going to puke. That sort of workload is just not a part of normal life … well, unless you’re in CF that is, in which case it’s 3 times a week. I just can’t even take joggers seriously anymore … if they only knew.

  55. Adam

    Because even though i lost 85 lbs on my own, I never pushed myself. Shout out to the trainers, esp Blake for helping me with that.

  56. Can this marriage, body, mind be saved? Crossfit is getting me there. Newly married/reaching into 50’s the promise for our new life was active lifestyle-together. After 2 yrs, 2 crazy work schedules we were rarely doing much-together.I loved cycling, he liked the gym. I HATE the gym. Trouble brewing. We found Crossfit and can now share the pain and rewards. I am in continued awe of other crossfitters and want to be like them. The atmosphere is fun/supportive yet serious in endeavor. Justin, Travis, coaching staff and memories of Brooke keep me coming back. Still worst squatter, can’t do a double under, but love how I feel afterward. Every workout is a humbling experience. Better able to handle stress of work and know I can tackle a hike/ride/kayak, whatever with more ease. And love sharing the experience with my buddy.

  57. jsully

    I was in Montana a couple years ago and read a random ad in a local publication about CrossFit. I checked out Sac locations when I got back but it took many months to work up the courage to call. Approaching my mid-fifties (filthy fifties!) i decided i needed to kick my own ass and get the only body i had back in some type of shape to get me through the back half of life with dignity. For the past 17 months, I show up to challenge myself physically and mentally. I show up b/c of Travis, Justin, Chris, Blake and Brooke :(. I show up b/c of all of you! There is a vibe and spirit in the CFES box that is one of respect, fun and accomplishment – – – no matter your age, ability, or wit. It is truly a community of hard work and fun. Thanks to all for the encouragement and support. It’s frickin’ time I make the move to Level 1!!!

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