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Speed Back Squat (40-50% 1RM)
Rest 60 seconds between sets 

3 Rounds of:
40yd Sled Sprint 135/95 
40yd Sled Bear Crawl
Rest 2:00 minutes between rounds

    Kyle, Alice and Ashley completed the open WOD #2 yesterday a long with a few other folks (Jen, Cort, Cherie and Lauren) and totally crushed it! Way to get in and get after it!
    Remember folks if you aren't planning on heading down to Stockton (which I think is awesome to get together with another box to do the WOD) make sure you schedule a time with a coach to get your workout judged before Sunday! The cost with a coach is $20 for just the judging and scoring. If you want a full hour of coaching included the cost is $55 for members. Don't fall behind on getting these open WOD's in. This second WOD has to be completed and submitted online by this Sunday April 3rd at 5:00pm Pacific Time.
    Not sure about you but I'm checking the games site throughout each day.Its pretty cool that we have an opportunity to see where we all stand in comparison to the rest of the CrossFit world on the leaderboards! Who cares if it's 24,999 out of 25,000! It's still cool that we are able to track and submit these 6 workouts. I'm having fun with it! Another reason for this fantastic community to get together and hang out! Looking forward to seeing how all you badasses do this week. 

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  1. Sarah W

    It is so hard to find out what the open work out is… And( because of work!!) then not be able to do anything about it until friday!!!!

  2. brother mike

    There is a 16 round post up, Daniel Tyminski with 580 reps.
    In the Nor Cal Region, appearing at Number 10 our own Alice Keller.
    Great Job All.

  3. Carol Penney

    Alice’s pony tail twirling days ended on the soccer field in about 4th grade when someone ticked her off and she decided to get even. That same day she took that energy to a swim meet and it continued through playing water polo and swimming in high school and college. She realized a sport is more than just showing up to the game. That is why her dad calls her our “little Pit Bull”. If she was still twirling that pony tail, she would have never met Kyyyyle.

  4. Oh, is it a new pull up bar we’re going to have outside? I LOVE it!
    Congrats to all our CFESers who already suffered through WOD2. How do you feel?

  5. Up to now I never knew the significance of pony-tail twirling.

  6. Way to go Alice and everyone else who did the WOD yesterday! Looking forward to getting my own butt kicked by this WOD tonight.
    In other news, my kick-ass Newbie Throwdown team, Los Chupacabras, will be slaughtering our goats right and left, so look out, Honey Badgers and Tiger Blood. We’re comin’ for ya!

  7. LauraB

    OPEN WOD #2 – DONE!! Thanks to Travis for encouraging me through that hell! I knew my box jumps would slow me down, but I’m ok with my performance. Good luck to everyone!! And GREAT JOB to all those that crushed yesterday. See you all next week.

  8. Jen

    I felt nauseous after the wod.. today I’m sore. I’m going down to Stockton on Saturday, but debating on doing the wod again because I don’t think I can do any better than I did. We’ll see has all the bumper plate shirt sizes in stock.. A couple people asked me about the shirt and Travis said somebody told him the shirts were on back order.. they announced today that they have em, so get one while you can. I love mine.

  9. harlan

    Sean,is that your ex girlfriend? Can I get her number?

  10. Go team CFES!! Hey Ashley, you look great! (the rest of you guys too…. 😉 I miss working out with you!!!

  11. Alice

    I think it should be a requirement for the Newbie Throwdown for each team to have an official mascot. Yes, that would mean using an existing member, or adding an honorary team member to dress up/act like their mascot. This could get good.
    Good Job everyone!

  12. brother mike

    To quote the Great One, “I bring it, and I shall layeth the smacketh down on all your candy asses!”
    Honey bees? Taco Bell chalupas? What do you think? It doesn’t matter what you think!!!
    Oh yeah, over 6 weeks til the Throwdown and the smack talk has already started!

  13. Mike… Have you been watching Monday Night Raw?
    Harlan, we’re gonna take you down to the corner of Know Your Role Blvd. and Jabroni Drive and check you into the the Smackdown Hotel!

  14. brother mike

    Haven’t watched this week yet, but its on the DVR so don’t ruin it for me.

  15. Gonna do a scaled down version of WOD#2 at 24 hour fitness tonight. People better get out of the way! Even if I’m 29,999 in the ranks it’s still more intense than the curl machine! 🙂

  16. Brother Mike, since all scary names are already taken I was considering to name our team a Cat’s Claw. What do you think?

  17. Jill aka Olive Oyl

    Although I’m so scared at the thought of doing this, I think we could represent. Anyone interested in the Tough Mudder at Squaw on 9/17, 9/18? Check it out…specifically the electrocution..:)

  18. Rach- Thanks sweet friend! I can wait to work out with you again, but in the meantime we should def grab a drink (you can still do that with a brace right?!)
    Alice- amazing idea. I’ll be Charlie Sheen I guess?

  19. Sean T.

    Jill – I am without a doubt down for that.

  20. Jill, you had me all gung ho for the Tough Mudder until I got to the 10,000 volt shock at the end, when you’re soaking wet by the way. WTF?! They should call it the Weekend at Gitmo race.

  21. Jill Aka Olive Oyl

    So Sabrina you’re not in? :)… We got Sean so far!

  22. Hollis

    Not only are you getting shocked while soaking wet, it’s after you’ve done 10 mile course at 2,500 feet. 10 MILES AT 2,500 FEET!!!!!! Holy shit I might die before I even get to the shock.

  23. brother mike

    I will Tough Mudder. What’s a little shock therapy among friends.

  24. I may be in, if I can don a rubber insulating suit right before that electro-shock event. I’m willing to suffer a lot of indignities for the sake of competition, but public involuntary urination is not one of them.

  25. Looks like some crazy fun! Estimated time of completing this course is 2.5 hours – and in my dream world I would definitely go for it. But in reality I might just bring a camera and cheer for you guys.

  26. brother mike

    Public involuntary urination, now there is a team name.

  27. adam k

    You think a Fran cough is bad? Wait till you run from Squaw’s base to High Camp which is 8,000ft elev!! I did a run that gnarly climb last year (3.5 miles, 2,000′ climb to the top) and I’m pretty sure I could have smoked a whole pack of cigarettes and my lungs wouldn’t have hurt as bad. …and that’s less than halfway on Tough Mudder!!
    I guess what I’m trying to say is…I’m in 🙂

  28. John Michelmore

    As to the Tough Mudder, Moxie’s box did this last fall as a group (it was up by Bear Valley), and had a blast. I’d like to give it a try this year!

  29. I was seriously cool with everything EXCEPT the electroshock “therapy.” Sheesh.

  30. Brother Mike- finally, a funny comment!
    As for Team names, my team, which is made up of me, Scott Charles and my mom will now be known as “The Bear.”
    Why “The Bear”? Because all y’all are always training to outrun “The Bear”. Well good luck. The Bear is coming for you.
    -Matt P

  31. brother mike

    All I am going to say is Search bear. See defintion 1.

  32. Definition 2, Mike.
    “A Godless killing machine.”

  33. bear
    A term used by gay men to describe a husky, large man with a lot of body hair.
    “George’s sexual tastes run toward bears.”