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[September 24, 2011]

4 x 10 Max Load Walking Lunges
7 x 2 of Push-Jerk 60% of 1 RM
Met Con:
5 Rounds
5 Deadlift 275/185
10 Burpee

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  1. Liz

    Hi Guys! Big shout out to those that donated to the City of Hope in sponsorship of my ride. Great 1st day 90 miles and a 5:37 ride time not bad for a girl 🙂
    The best part 35 guys asking what do you do to get arms and a back like that. My response don’t ride!!
    Ok off to Big Sur! Have a great weekend!

  2. Great job Liz. Show them how to climb too!
    For everyone else, I need some feedback on the following topic:
    Bacon: Cured vs. Uncured….

  3. Welcome back Trey and Sabrina!

  4. Matt: if I understand the term “cured” correctly, it means the addition of nitrates. My understanding is that nitrates are not good for people. So I choose “uncured”.

  5. John Michelmore

    For those I did not get a chance to tell this morning, my son Chris and his wife Tina finally welcomed Katie Michelmore into the world yesterday morning! 7lb, 9oz, and 20″…and mom and baby (and dad) are doing great!
    And, Eileen, I already talked to Chris about Sarah this morning. He knew her name before I could even finish the story, and looks forward to working with her.
    Matt P, not sure about the answer to your question, other than bacon is my favorite food!

  6. Eileen

    Congratulations again, John! Very happy news. And thanks for mentioning Sarah to Chris.
    Matt, definitely uncured. But check the brands – some are much more fatty than others.

  7. John, that’s great news! Tell Chris and Tina congratulations from Christine and I!
    Liz, have a great ride! See you when you get back.

  8. Scott you are very misguided, let’s see if I can straighten you out. So it would seem to me that to be cured of something means that one is sick so in this case if the pig is uncured then you are eating a sickly (unhealthy) pig. This is why you want a cured pig.