3 Rounds For Time:
50 Air Squats
15 Hand Stand Push Ups
10 Power Cleans 165/105
Satin hits an overhead squat during Nancy on Saturday. The weight at the sectional will be slightly heavier, but Satin will be more than ready to handle it.
Nor Cal Sectional
The first two WODs were released for the Nor Cal Sectionals. After looking over the list of competitors many times I have a count of 24 CFES athletes who will be competing. Competitors are not listed by affiliate, but I would be willing to bet
that no other Nor Cal facility has more than 10 competitors. Outstanding participation by all ages and ability levels sets this box apart from all the others.
Looks like our recent programming has been on the money with Nancy, Fran, and some heavy KB swings. If you are competing, plan to be here on Monday and Tuesday next week for our final prep WODs, we have some great ideas to prime our pumps for the weekend.
Workout A
Against a 6-minute running clock:
Run 800m
Max rep overhead squats (115/75lbs)
Scored by total number of overhead squats.
Workout B
Max rounds plus reps in 10 minutes of:
7 Thrusters (115/75lbs)
12 Kettlebell Swings (53/35lbs)
7 Pull-ups