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Sit Up Overkill

20 Minute Partner WOD – crossfit sacramento
Row 400m
Max Sit Ups

While One Partner Rows 400m the other does as many sit ups as possible, then they switch.  The goal is to get the most possible sit ups as a team in 20 minutes.  Use Ab Mats if available.


Sam Chaccour shows us just ho much body heat 120 burpees and pull ups can create.  That is actually steam rising of his body after the WOD.

Below is a video from by Greg Hammond, the creator of the Concept II Rower.  He addresses the topic of stroke rate.  Many of us row at much too high of a stroke rate, too many strokes per minute.  The thing to remember is that every time you slide back toward the fan on the rower you are in fact using energy to do so. That energy that is not being registered by the rower.  To be more efficient what you should aim to do is create more power with each stroke and take fewer strokes per minute, therefore wasting less energy on the return.  In the video, notice how fast the participant's stroke rate is in the beginning compared to the end.  A slower stroke rate with more powerful pulls saves energy and creates efficiency.   As a rule of thumb it should take you roughly twice as long to slide back toward the fan as it took you to pull away from it.  Another major energy waster we see often is that people use the last part of the arm pull to pull themselves back to the machine instead of continuing to pull back away from the machine.  This negates some of your stroke power.  Pull all the way back, extend your arms, then use your legs to pull you back, not your arms.  Take home message is slow down, take your time on the return and row HARD not Fast.

Row CorrectionsIIIb, C2 ( (CFJ Preview)) …[wmv][mov]

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