For Time:
50 Burpees
25 Ring Dips
100 Double Unders
50 Floor to Overhead 75/53
30 Toes to Bar
15 Muscle Ups
10 Box Jump 42/36″
5 Rope Climbs
The bupree is arguably the lowest skill level movement we use in conditioning, but that doesn’t mean you can’t put some thought into it to make it safer and more efficient. Most all functional movements have certain mechanical similarities. If you allow yourself to do low skill movements with sloppy mechanics, you are likely building habits that will transfer to other movements. Movements that you cannot afford to be sloppy at.
Give some thought to your burpees today. Try to stay in good external rotation at the hip and shoulder with your midsection as straight as possible. If you really think about what you’re doing, burpees might even make you better at pull ups, push ups, squats, deadlifts, toes to bar etc.