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Prevent Soreness With This

EMOTM 10 Minutes:
Power Clean 1.1
( “.” Means Rest 10 Seconds Between Reps)
75-90% 1RM

3 Rounds For Time:
7 Front Squats
Run 400m
15 Pull ups


Usually when you see an AirDyne it brings up painful memories of your last 1 Mile Sprint (or any other wod with a stupid AirDyne). This horrible machine can actually help you with muscle soreness if used correctly. More often than not we fall on the ground after a wod and lay there until we feel “recovered” enough to get up. Doing this may actually sabotage our recovery for the next wod.
When one performs intense activity, the muscles that are used build up waste products (the most common one talked about being lactic acid). A good way to get that junk out of the muscle is by performing a proper cool down. After your next wod hop on the AirDyne for 10 minutes at an easy conversational pace. Light effort rowing or jogging work as well. After that it is always a good idea to hit up some mobility drills and foam roll.
This is also a good idea on rest days, but increase the light activity chosen to about 20-40 minutes depending on how jacked up your body feels. Be consistent with your cool down and recovery days and watch your performance improve.

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  1. Looks like a great work out.

  2. Brother Mike

    Wait, that almost sounds like Aaron telling people to go for an easy 40 minute jog on Sunday . . .

    What’s next? Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes! The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria!

  3. Kate

    I gave this a try this morning after our nice long foundations workout (thanks, Travis!). If I can walk into the gym tomorrow morning, all you 6amers will know it worked.

  4. I saw someone talking about this on Tumblr and it linked to…