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Catching Up With China

In 12 Minutes,
Find 1RM Jerk

AMRAP 10 Minutes:
10 DB Ground to Overhead 30/20’s
100m Run
10 Push Ups
100m Run

Ring Dips

China asked me if she could make a monthly post on her experience and her progress.  I of course said yes.  The day these pics were taken there was some lifting, followed by a hard sled WOD (remember Demos met Pukie) and there was an optional 10 minute AirDyne piece to follow.  The pic below was taken after China put in her extra credit.  She was the only athlete I knew of that day that also did the extra work.  It will be interesting to watch her progress unfold.

Allow me to reintroduce myself…my name is China, your favorite CrossFitting (is that even a word?) “Thick Girl”. I was overwhelmed with such positive feedback from my new member blog, I spoke to Justin about writing once a month; well friends here it is! So it’s been two months since I began officially slamming down weights with East Sac and I gotta say; SHIT.JUST.GOT. REAL. Why didn’t anybody tell when I walked my over enthusiastic ass in the door, this was going to take me down to my knee’s? Just a few dozen words written in terrible penmanship on a white board would press down on my nerves (and my quads) something terrible.

I’m still not really clear what I signed up for? “Forging Elite Fitness” yah that’s sounds cool, but I’m just trying to get through the warm up. I can tell you friends, we’re not at 24 Hours Fitness anymore. And that’s great, because that’s not what I’m about. I want owners who know me by name, I want fellow member who grind through the WOD with me, not competing against me and I want to listen to gangsta rap while I sop sweat off my face. Let’s work East Sac!


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