Order Your Regionals Shirt NOW!!!
Max Shoulder to Overhead Run 5k Here are our spectator shirts for this years…
Being Tough and Being Smart
Weighted Pull Up 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 3 Rounds For Time: 4 x 40 Yard Shuttle Run…
Claudia Is In The Building
AMRAP 15 Minutes: 400m Row 15 DB Bench Press 70/40’s Sometimes impressive feats of…
Suck It Up and Carry Something HEAVY!!!
Monday Olympic Lifting is cancelled for a few weeks. We will have it on…
Strength Sunday at the NorCal Open
Saturday, Kari and I lifted in the NorCal Open hosted by the Midtown Barbell…
Breathing For Deadlifts in a Metcon
10 Rounds For Time: 10 Deadlifts 135/95 200m Run When deadlifting heavy weights, most…