Holiday WOD
"12 Days of Christmas"1 Clean and Jerk2 Deadlifts3 DB Thrusters4 Burpee Box Jumps5 HSPU6…
Strength Sunday Reflections and Goal Setting
For this week, there will be no Strength class Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. Sorry…
Off To a Good Start, Keep It Rolling
Weighted Dip 5-5-5-5-5 5 Rounds:Snatch Deadlift @ 50% SnatchSnatchHang Snatch10 Air Squats Hey guys,…
HAPPY 60th Carol Penney!
"Karen"For Time:150 Wall Ball 20/14 Happy 60th birthday Carol Penney. It has been so…
10 Years to the Day
Front Squat1-10-1-20-1-30 EMOTM 10 Minutes:3 Squat CleansMax Ab Mat Sit Ups (score only worst…
CrossFit for Connecticut, Burpees For a Buck
3 Rounds Each For Time:1000m Row10, 15, 20 Burpee Pull Up10, 15, 20 DB…
New Man Test
Snatch DeadliftHang Squat SnatchPause Overhead Squat 3 Rounds:Max Set Unbroken HSPUMax Height Box Jump…
30-20-10Wall Balls 20/14GHD Sit UpsPull UpsBarbell Movement* *On the set of 30, do 30…
Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 5 Rounds:7 Deadlift 275/18530 Air Squats7 Handstand Push Ups Here's Matt…
Hipfit SALE This Saturday!
5 Rounds:15/10 Cal AirDyne80 Yard Prowler 90/5010 KB Swing 53/35 I wasn't going to…
Success Starts With a Solid Foundation
Squat 5-5-5-5-5 3 Rounds For Time:25 Double Unders10 Push Jerks @ 65-70%10 Burpees AO…
Novice and Masters Team Tryouts
AMRAP 20 Minutes:15 Ring Dips20 KB Swing 53/355 Wall Walks Last year's STTD tryouts.You…
Starting Early
5 Sets Of The Following Complex:Power CleanHang Squat CleanPush PressPush Jerk 3 Rounds Each…