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Final Open Instructions

Rest Day Props to Josh on the highest score in the gym at 125. …

Justin Riley February 26, 2012

Stretching for 12.1

1 Million Burpees…or as many as you can do in 7 Min.  Whatever comes…

Blake February 25, 2012

What the Heck is Paleo Anyways? What About Primal?

WOD Check out the following video by Dr. Doug Willen, that is a quick…

Justin Riley February 24, 2012


AMRAP Each of the follwing couplets for 5 miuntes with 2 miuntes rest between…

Justin Riley February 23, 2012

Getting Younger Every Year!

EMOTM 10 Minutes:3 Front Squat @ 80% 4 Rounds, 2 Miuntes Each:200m Sandbag Run…

Chris Lene February 22, 2012

Thinking About the Open

Sumo Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 AMRAP 10 Minutes:5 Each KB Snatch 53/3510 Knees to Elbows15 Ball…

Justin Riley February 21, 2012

A Little Something I Whipped Up

8 Rounds For Time:10 Burpees15 Jumping Alternating Lunges20 Double Unders25 Shuttle Sprint (5 X…

Aaron February 20, 2012


Rest Day Ever think of carrying your own body weight for 1 mile straight? …

Justin Riley February 19, 2012

At a Crossroads and in Need of Advice

WOD (I don't know what it is but I bet it's awesome) What should…

Blake February 18, 2012

Mixing Fun with Movement

Power Snatch 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 AMRAP 10 Minutes:3 Box Jumps as High as Possible5 DB Clean…

Chris Lene February 17, 2012

Dirty Big Balls

5 Rounds:Row 500m25 Dips Some clips of a 6AM and 9AM class lifting some…

Justin Riley February 16, 2012

SIGN UP OR SUFFER MORE! There is no way out of it

EMOTM For 10 Minutes:2 Squats @ 80-85% Rest 5 Min 1 Mile Run For…

Justin Riley February 15, 2012

Marvel at the Beast

1 Rep Max Stone Shoulder Then Tabata the following with 1 minute rest between:Stone…

Justin Riley February 14, 2012

Results Are In!!!

Weighted Pullup 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5 EMOTM For 10 Minutes:10 Push Jerks @ 50-60% 1RM5 Tuck Jumps…

Aaron February 13, 2012

The Finals Are Today

Rest Day It was a very successful 1st day of competition.  This is is…

Justin Riley February 12, 2012

30 Years of Pain (Is One Dramatic Title)

Gym Closed For Sactown Throwdown!!!        I first saw this documentary of strongman…

Blake February 11, 2012