Siri is Caught in the Middle
Partner WODTake turns on the following5 MinutesMax Rounds 40 Yard Sled Pull 135/905 MinutesMax…
15 Rounds For Time:Row/Airdyne 30 Seconds Max CaloriesDouble Unders 30 Seconds Max RepsRest 1…
Is There a Doctor In The House?
Clean 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 AMRAP 7 Miuntes:7 Thrusters 95/657 Burpees Topher Stephenson! TA-DAH!!! I can sing…
Great Plays
For Time:5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift @ 70% 1RM10-8-6-4-2 Burpee PullupRest 5 Minutes21-15-9KB SDHP 70/53Wallball 20/14 Great…
Things Are Shaping Up Nicely
"The Big Game"AMRAP 3+ Hours2 Sausage Balls12 Nachos1 Beer The last few months work…
This Post Got Away From Me
10 Rounds For Time:2 Rope Accents (Advanced Do Legless Climbs)3 Thrusters (75% of 1RM)…
Sign Up Today, ALL OF YOU!!!
Push Press 5-5-5-3-3-3 4 Rounds:Max Reps Feet Elevated Ring Row200m Sprint Open registration started…
Mr. Stonier's Secret Talent
800m Sandbag Walk(Bag Drops = 10 Burpees) Then 2 Rounds For Time:10x Sandbag Cleans…
Best Muscle Up Instructional Video Ever
Front Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3Max reps Front Squat in 60 sec @ 50% For Time:50 KB…
Out In the Wild
3-5-7-9-9-7-5-3 For Time:Unbroken Chest to Bar Pull Up*If you break a set, you must…
Super Bowl Party At CrossFit East Sac!
REST DAY Are you ready for some football? Last years Super Bowl was great!…
Another Corny Inspirational Video
Run 5 KilometersAll Classes Will Be Running Today! I try to not to post…
Throwdown Raffle and Volunteers
Tabata:Sledge Hammer Strikes 10/8BurpeesPlyo LungesSit Ups5 Yard Line Touches *8 sets each exercise.Score is…