Get Ready, It's Coming
Push Jerk 3-3-3-2-2-2 3 Rounds:50ft Overhead Walk 185/11530 Ball Slams 40/25 We have secured…
Hanging With CrossLeberities
5 Rounds For Time:3 Weighted Pull Ups 45/305 Strict Pull Ups7 Kipping Pull UpsRun…
You Guys Rock!
Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 21-18-15-12-9Kb Swings 53-35Lunge StepsSit-Ups Aubriana is so excited and wanted to…
Presenting The November On Rampers
3 Rounds For Reps:Power Clean 135/955 Yard Shuttle RunDeadlift 135/95Heavy Rope Double UndersShoulder To…
Fall Strength Challenge Highlights
EMOTM 10 Min:2 Power Snatches @ 80% 10 RounndsSprint 100m + 5 Burpees Every…
Earn Your Holiday Party
AMRAP 20 Minutes:Row 250m15 Wall Ball15 Push Ups CF Davis, Woodland, and West Sac…
Butterfly Pullups...and why you need to learn them
Rest Day The butterfly pullup is a variation of the kipping pullup…
*******Attention Former Hippies********
For Time:500m Row50 Box Jumps 24″/20″50 Push Ups50 Sit Ups50 Jumping Pull Ups50 Hip…
Another Charitable Challenge
Deadlift 3-3-3-2-2-2 3 Rounds:30 Burpees onto 25# PlateRest 90 seconds March 24th at the…
Announcement Central
AMRAP 20 Minutes:3 Wall Walks10 Burpee Lateral Hop15 KB Swings 62/4410 Hollow Rocks …
Change is a GOOD THING
Overhead Squat 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 "Nancy"5 Rounds For Time:400m Run15 Overhead Squats 95/65 Let's start by…
Thanksgiving Recovery Plan
Weighted Pullup 5-4-3-2-2-2 3 Rounds Each For Time80 Yard Prowler 90/5015 Box Jumps 24/2015…
Anybody Else Ready for a Break from Eating?
5K Row Fasting and cleanse diets are not something that get much attention around…