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Thanksgiving Recovery Plan

Weighted Pullup 5-4-3-2-2-2

3 Rounds Each For Time
80 Yard Prowler 90/50
15 Box Jumps 24/20
15 Ring Dips
Rest 2:00

  If you feel like you have gained a few pounds this past weekend and want to get back to normal (or lose even more) then here is a solution for you. Blake's last post talked about fasting and cleansing, so I wanted to put up one about strict dieting. Since this is done for 30 days I guess it should be called a cleanse, too. Check out and get started.  Members at our box, including myself, have done this and will attest that it works. With Christmas coming up (Hanukkah, Yule, or Kwanzaa – whatever you celebrate) you might not get to 30 days because dieting on a holiday is crazy talk, but trying it for a couple weeks will still change the way you look at and feel about food. Also, in combination with deligently doing your WODs at CFES, your belt buckle should loosen up.

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  1. I love good, simply Paleo nutrition. Thank you, Aaron – I’ll point others to this URL.

  2. I love a really good, paleo chocolate bar. And a dark strong Belgian Ale. That, and a nice piece of country style pork. Yes that’s right, all those ingredients at once. Some tomato sauce. A bit of vinegar. Slow cooked. Get you some.

  3. You guys are not helping here. I went and got two bags of spinach this morning. I feel kinda lethargic, of course that could be from 6 am wod when I discovered that yogging 200 m can feel like rest after rowing.

  4. Olga: if it’s any help, today’s WOD was tough on me too.

  5. brother mike

    Scott, shouldn’t every WOD be tough on you? Yeah, you might get excited when you see one come up that plays to your strengths (can we get another 5k run or row???), but the effort shouldn’t be any less when it is one of those than when it is AMRAP everything you suck at for 20 minutes. A workout featuring your goats might be a little more demoralizing or make you question your raison d’etre, but shouldn’t you pretty much always end up in an exhausted, limp, quivering mass unable to extricate yourself from a puddle of your own sweat even if it’s a WOD you are good at?

  6. Olga: what Mike said.
    Mike: yes. Although I must say that anything that doesn’t involve lifting ought to “play to my strengths”. I shouldn’t suck at running, rowing and burpees. But hey, all that upcoming improvement makes me happy.

  7. Attention ladies…
    Title 9 Blow Out Sale (Up to 75% off)
    Sacramento Convention Center
    1400 J Street, Exhibit Hall A, Sacramento, CA
    December 1-4, 2011
    Thursday: 9am-7pm
    Friday: 10am-7pm
    Saturday: 10am-5pm
    Sunday: 10am-4pm

  8. Scott, thanks, a word of compassion helps. This blog is great for support as much as for exchanging ideas, broski.
    A little bird told me that some Crossfits are doing 8-week challenge “Death by Barbell”. 5 rounds for time (20 min cut off): 15 DL, 12 HPC, 9 Front Squat, 6 Push Jerk. Repeat in 8 weeks.