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Change is a GOOD THING

Overhead Squat 3-3-2-2-1-1-1

5 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats 95/65


Let's start by saying "Great Job" to those of you who have embraced some of the changes around our facility as we grow as a community and as athletes.  Our goal here at CFES is to continue to push you guys in the continuous "CHANGE".  The reality is… we are all here for a common reason. Because you heard or have seen with your own eyes that you can look and feel better by being more fit!  The changes that are happening around here will provide more opportunity for you guys to get better, specific coaching and allow more space in the classes.  Stay tuned over the next few days.  Thank you again for making this place what it is.

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  1. brother mike

    You know if that surfer was a lawyer he would be fine. Sharks don’t bite laywers out of professional courtesy.

  2. EricH

    And that, kids, is how your father had his first full-blown cardiac arrest …

  3. CHANGE your underwear now.

  4. I love to body suffer, but when you feel something that large swish by you, touching you skin, you hope its a dolphin, rather than a predator. In the water, the one on top has the disadvantage.

  5. brother mike

    John- body ‘suffer’? Freudian slip?

  6. Ya -> posting typos feels like: Wait, WAIT… too wait, oh well

  7. Adaptations class is forming. Make sure your name is on the board for this… Change means you guys need to understand what you should be considering while you workout. Change your workouts to suit your ability and or your body’s needs for the day. There is a fine line between injury and wasting your time. How do you know where that line is?
    Stay tuned for more info on ADAPTATIONS.

  8. I like to body suffer. Today was a good example. Thanks Aaron for helping me out, during those moments when I didn’t want any more suffering.
    Onward. Cheers.

  9. Shem

    What’s this ADAPTATIONS movement?

  10. Shem, it is about becoming more masterful about approaching your goals and your workouts as to make the most out of your CF experience. Its about how to effectively think about your warmups/WODs. Scaling/modifications is a skill that can help you get the most out of the WOD. Basically Chris wants to help people stop being whiteboard lemmings and learn how to manipulate the program to get more out of it.
    …did I mention it’s about getting the most out of CF?