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As you awake from your food induced coma from the weekend, you may realize that the new year is right around the corner. If the Mayans are correct, then this will be the last new year ever. With that said, what are your goals for the upcoming year?  In the comment section leave two goals: a CrossFit goal and a non-CrossFit goal. Mine are 1) get married to my fiance and 2) make the 2012 CFES CrossFit Games Team…..3.2.1.GO!!

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  1. Goals for me are: 1) Raise at least $1,000 for charity and 2) Finish Fran Rx in less than 10 minutes.

  2. brother mike

    In the words of Samuel L. Jackson, I know you might find it shocking that someone as cool and together as myself has New Year’s resolutions, but, believe it or not, there are things that even I can improve upon. Can I have a little music please:
    At the top of my list: “Continue to kick ass”
    And then I hope to “Be as bad as I know I can be”
    Also, to “Really put it out there, and by it I mean my mojo”
    In addition, I plan to “Give it as good as I get it”
    “Be all that and more”
    and “Lose my shyness, vis a vis the rocket in my pocket”
    Plus, I plan to “Work my voodoo on the lady fans”
    “Take a thorn out of some cat’s paw.”
    and “Build a shrine to my own bad ass”
    Then, it’s time to “Give the demons what for”
    “Spare the rod and spoil the face”
    and “Continue to kick ass”
    After which, I’ll “Show the bad men what it’s all about”
    “Release a dove from a ghetto rooftop”
    and “Cradle a newborn baby in the ruins of a church”
    Finally, this year, I will “Stick it to all the suckas”
    and I’m gonna “Show the man that I mean business”
    ..and I’m gonna “Take a computer class.”
    Or I could go with the more honest and less exciting, I am still working on the resolutions, but this year I will be finishing all the Girls Rx, and by Girls I mean whatever the heck you wanna read into it.

  3. pj844

    Personal goal, top 10 in Formula 40 racing. Crossfit goal, get into level one

  4. Donna

    Is anyone up for doing a wod sometime today at McKinley Park or wherever? Either around noon, 5:30 or 6:30? Email me at and I’ll post the time and meeting place here if anyone else is interested. 🙂
    My crossfit goal: do a cf wod no less than 5 days a week (hence the above request!). My personal goal: make the zone just a way of life for me, instead of a short term diet, to improve my overall health.

  5. Tash: Rx Fran in sub-10 sounds good!

  6. Jamie P

    Aaron, your 1st goal doesn’t count. That’s not a goal – its destiny, kismet, fate, or some other romantic word.

  7. To paraphrase bro mikes lengthily goal, he is gonna try and get laid this year. Watch out!

  8. Aaron, what’s with the picture of the homely girl? I hope that’s not one of our members.

  9. Ashley Latimer

    Hard to limit it to two, but…1) finish my MA in Ed. Leadership & Policy/maintain a life and normal sleep patterns. 2) perform above average in 2012 Crossfit Games Open…oh, and stop getting stuck in limiting mind effs.

  10. brother mike

    Whoever is posting as Justin is just volunteering.
    John Carey posted a very interesting article on Facebook a while back about resolutions and goals. There is some kind of psychological release that you get when you share a goal and often people confuse that with the feeling of actually accomplishing a goal. I seem to remember the article going on to state that a good friend calls someone on their goals, checks in and holds people to them. So in the season of resolutions, as a friend and audience to the resolution be the supportive friend, don’t be afraid to say, “Smashley, stop overthinking that!” taking Ash’s resolution 2.5 from above as an example.

  11. John Michelmore

    Happy Holidays to all!
    CFES goal: Top 30 in Open for my age group.
    Personal goal: Best husband/dad/grandad I can be.

  12. I couldn’t take the pic of the poor girl trying to twist her own head off any more.
    Aaron, the goal of actually getting married is a good one. With the stress of planning, it’s bound to be a challenging year. You guys will be great though.
    Since goals are a hot topic this time of year, keep in mind a few guidelines that will make your goals much more potent, and will make you much more likely to achieve them.
    1 Write them down and be publicly accountable to achieve.
    2 State goals in the positive, I will… never state a goal using negative language like, I will not, or I will try.
    3 Make goals very specific, measurable and time sensitive. I will do 10 consecutive butterfly kipping pull ups with my chin over the bar by February 1st.
    4 Make attainable goals. Shooting for the moon can be a good thing, until you realize you can’t get there and the whole shit falls apart.
    5 Break up huge goals into smaller milestones with specific timelines. So lets not say loose a 100 lbs by next year, start with losing 10 lbs by the end of January.

  13. tanman

    Now that Justin has given some good advice on goals I am ready to lay mine out there. Lets see if I can follow his advice…
    I want to make public my goals of 1.) becoming level 1 by April and 2.) lose 15 pounds in January, with and ultimate goal of dropping 50 pounds in 2012. I will achieve both of these goals by making my work outs at crossfit a priority and my wining and dining an earned treat.
    Good luck to everyone in 2012!

  14. teamspears

    I’ve taken roughly a year off to marry, relocate to Sacramento, and deliver a beautiful baby boy Kyan (like Ryan but with a K). I’ve definitely neglected myself. This year my resolutions are:
    1)Resume training in Brazilian Jujitsu. I will achieve this by actively visiting local schools.
    2)Get in a CrossFit workout in AT LEAST twice a week (it’s rough right now with a newborn, full-time job, and studying). I will achieve this by attending class during the mornings.
    Happy Holidays and best wishes to you all in the coming New Year!

  15. Great topic! Here’s a link to the article Mike referred to
    Here are my 2 goals per Aaron’s prompt:
    CrossFit Goal: Lose 25lbs./get some control over my upper body strength! Pull ups, rope, dips, push ups and my metcon will all be served by dropping some lbs. Currently at 225 (maybe 230 after this last week of eating) and I’d like to get to an even 200.) Looking at YOU Nick for our January Whole30 challenge. If it goes well, I’ll make it a Whole60/90/120 as Casey and I countdown to our wedding 🙂
    Personal Goal: Be a linchpin in my company as we earn $1m top line revenue in 2012.
    Bonus goal (and I encourage you guys to play with this…) Think of how completing your goal will FEEL. As you visualize the desired outcome, your body will start producing the serotonin, dopamine and even some norepenephrine based on what the outcomes means to you. This is an awesome strategy because you can start to prime your nervous system for what it will actually be like when you reach your goal. Start laying down those neural pathways today!
    In addition to the visualization, come up with a mantra that cystalizes how you want to feel in a few words. Utter these to yourself throughout the day as a reminder to anchor yourself in this ‘future sense.’ That future will meet you faster than you can imagine 🙂
    Examples: “I am focused, calm and relaxed.”
    “I am on purpose, inspired and active.”
    “I am open, receptive and willing.”
    “I am committed, engaged and living my truth today.”

  16. crystallizing sounds much better than cystalizing. avoid cysts.

  17. Clarification: The visualization + mantra is NOT a substitute for earnest action in the direction of your goals. Don’t confuse the neural priming with the actual end result. It’s true there will be a relief of pressure as you get REALLY CLEAR about what it is you want, so be careful not to get stuck with those temporary good feelings. We want to eat the food, not the menu!
    The idea with the above techniques is that you start to embody who you have to become in order to have the goals you want. By changing the way you feel about it, you literally change your brain. By using the mantra technique, you are creating a new cognitive-linguistic structure that breaks down resistance to creating something new and introduces new ways of thinking about ourselves and how we interact with reality. Remember, homeostasis/energy preservation is DEFAULT, and we have to work despite that — so set some clear next-actions towards your goals that you can complete TODAY, and get to work!! 🙂

  18. Nick Garcia

    JP I am ready to rock and roll on the whole 30. Getting my boozing out of the way this week.
    Goal 1: Try out this saturday and make the Novice team for sac-town throw down.
    Goal 2: Join level 1 by April.
    Goal 3: Stop flirting during WODs.

  19. Please disregard others posting as me – I Nick Garcia only post under my Twitter handle. My goals for the coming year are to be my own boss, drop 20 pounds and pass the level 1 test by my birthday. I’ll do all of these things with the support of family and true friends. Part 1 starts on Jan. 1 when John Carey and I commit to the Whole 30. This will be challenge number one of 2012!

  20. Challenge #1 – ez pz.
    I like dropping quotes so here’s one for the New Year.
    “This discipline and rough treatment are a furnace to extract the silver from the dross. This testing purifies the gold by boiling the scum away.”–Rumi

  21. I’m saying be like Angela. Grab the heavy rope and figure it out. There was a day when regular double unders were hard, right? But people get over it.