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Loosening Up With a Little Horse Play

4 Rounds:
20 Rope Slams in the 1st 60 seconds
Then AMRAP 4 Minutes:
5 Power Snatch 135/95
10 Toes To Bar
After 4 min, rest 60 seconds and repeat

I was surfing last night and K-Star had a recent post about the importance of play and he had a video of Jenny LaBaw on a slackline.  I bought a slackline a while back, but I think it only ever got set up once.  Kelly had mentioned in his video that the slackline had potential to loosen up tight areas in the body just by trying to stand on the thing.

I was foam rolling and stretching my achy body, and Travis was asleep on the gym floor when I recalled watching K-Star's video and decided to bust out the slack line.  We were both spanked from our workouts this week and decided to give it a shot.

At first we couldn't even stand on the thing without shaking like a seizure.  We screwed around with it for about 15-20 minutes casually taking turns and taking breaks staring at the thing perplexed.  I found that the more attempts I took in a short amount of time the worse I did.  After about 15 minutes, I tried to take a video of my feet shaking, and I actually walked all the way across it for the first time.  Something about holding the camera and forgetting about the line shaking may have helped, or it may have been practice, I don't really know.

What I will say is that even though we were casually just trying to walk across the thing and taking turns at a leisurely pace, we both got pretty sweaty and felt really loose.  I am trying to come up with a simple design so we can bring this into the gym and incorporate it into warmups with padding that could save an ankle or a life.  The slack line creates a tremendous amount of force on the points it's anchored to and I don't want to break anything around here.  It works in the places we had it set up, but my guess is many of you won't want to try it over pavement.  It's actually not that dangerous, but it feels quite scary, so some padding will help with confidence.  I have a few ideas that may work, so be prepared for something new soon.

Here's a video of my feet actually making about a 15 ft walk.  It only took about 10 more tries to get a good one after the first one.  In the first one, I completely missed filming anything, so my fliming skills while slacklinine are getting better.

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