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Member of the Month – Annie Redman

10k Run

Annie consistently comes in here with the most positive attitude one could imagine.  She is one of the most supportive members of our gym towards everyone else, and has made amazing progress herself in her time here.  As a coach, you really couldn’t ask for a more enjoyable person to coach or a better member of our little community.  Thank you Annie for being a great example of the way to be for the rest of us!

Annie wrote the following:

Justin, this isn’t an April Fools’ is it?

If not, then here’s what I have to say:

Never having been what could even generously be called an “athlete,” I am still surprised by how much I love CrossFit. It’s the best part of my day! I feel welcomed and encouraged by everybody—and I actually get what “empowerment” means now! I love it that all you bad-ass athletes and trainers will even talk to me, let alone help me get better—me, a 45 year old working mom chocolate lover.

CrossFit has changed me in lots of ways—physical of course but mental too. I can focus HARD when my “inner wimp” says “ohhh nooo!” and get it done. I (almost) know how to be aggressive and use bad words. I know how to use my voice to give someone strength (which comes in handy as a midwife!). It gives my husband and me something fun to talk about and even though he still out-WODs me, we both now take my athletic abilities seriously. And I can roughhouse with my 9 year old and not be afraid of injury.

When I started at CFES 2 years ago, I was worn out the rest of the day after the On Ramp WOD. It was even hard to fold a load of laundry 2 hours later. Now when the WOD is over, I am smashed and happy, but then I can go to work, clean the house, weed the garden, run errands, or even play soccer with my boys.

Thank you guys, for this honor and for all the fun!

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