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Member of the Month – John Michelmore

Gym Closed,
Outdoor WOD @ 8:30 at Guy West
Click for details
John Michelmore is not only one of our longest standing members, but would give anyone a run for their money at most determined, hardest working, and best attitude.  He was officially one of the first people to ever participate in an official CF Masters event, and he is someone you can expect to see at every gym social event.  John gives his best effort every time he gets a chance, addresses his weaknesses every time he gets a chance, and currently has been working through a really bad hamstring tear he suffered while on vacation in Hawaii last month.  You may also notice his face looks a little chewed up as he has been undergoing a nasty skin treatment to remove cancerous cells.  Despite these two things John hasn’t missed a workout and shows up with ideas on how he will modify the WOD to keep in shape and get back to a place where he can continue to chase down his fitness goals.  In short, be more like John, that’s why he’s this months MOM.

1. How were you introduced to CrossFit?
Introduced to Crossfit by my son Chris, who was doing Crossfit out of his garage 5+ years ago. His initial introduction was from Brian Nabeta, and he was interested in a better cross-training routine for his swimmers.

2. What is your favorite WOD/lift?
And what is your least favorite WOD/lift? Favorite WOD is probably Annie, just because it’s a quick, cardio workout, and something I can actually do reasonably well. Other favorites would be something involving wall balls and/or rowing.

Don’t really have a least favorite, although there are plenty of movements/lifts that I need work on (ie, suck at). Most of these involve overhead/shoulder flexibility, such as snatch and overhead squat. Goal is to improve in this area before next Open.

3. Tell us about your most memorable CF moment.
Probably the Masters Regional event in 2010 down in Southern CA. This was an “over 50” competition, and probably the first of its kind in the Crossfit world. Most of the “competitors” were still pretty new at most Crossfit movements and workouts. I remember feeling overwhelmed when I got there; but got through it somehow (bloodied and all), learned a lot about myself, and met some really great people.

4. Who/What keeps you motivated to CrossFit?
Generally feel so much better about myself, and living a much more healthy lifestyle. My kids keep me motivated to stay with it, and it’s a great sharing situation in our family. Lastly, but equally important, is that there are so many things I can’t do yet. That keeps me motivated to master at least some of them.

5. Where did you grow up, and what sports did you play when you were younger?
I grew up as a kid in San Jose area, where I played the principal sports of that day….baseball, football, and basketball. We moved to Sacramento area after my freshman year of high school, and I transferred to Jesuit. From that point, I keyed on basketball, and played 2 years at American River JC after that.

6. What do you like to do when you aren’t at work or at the box?
Enjoy time with my family, working around the house/yard, activities with our three dogs, and vacationing. Also, I really enjoy my work life at Clark Pacific.

7. Name your favorite meal.
As a meal…ribs, sweet potato, and asparagus. As a stand-alone, pretty much anything with bacon!

8. Ok, here’s your chance to give the younger folks some advice. Give it to us…
Here’s a few (and I’ll try to keep them positive):
· Remember, life is too short as it is….don’t waste the time you have complaining or whining about things, as there is always a worse situation, or someone who is worse off than you.
· Don’t make excuses………just get off your butts, and do the best you can with what you have!
· Pursue your passions!
· Work hard/play hard!
· Treat “practice” as if it were the “game”, and treat the “game” as if it were “practice”!
· Make commitments, and stay with them.
· Enjoy life!

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