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More Than Just Fitness

For Time:
10 Deadlifts 205/135
20 Wall Balls 20/14
30 Burpees
40 Abmat Situps
50 Double Unders
40 Abmat Situps
30 Burpees
20 Wall Balls 20/14
10 Deadlifts 205/135

photo(7)I’ve been personally training Emma Hollis for the past couple months. She has been making great improvements on her form in the Olympic lifts and it’s been a pleasure to work with her. Here is what Emma has to say about how working hard at CFES has helped her with life outside of the gym.

I was always told that I would never be a true athlete. I was born with asthma, and doctors said that I would have to live with 70% available oxygen my whole life. Even though I took part in rec sports like swimming and soccer for several years, it was a struggle to keep up, which was discouraging. I worked with my pulmonologist to test several different medicines and found one without awful side effects. I still was at about 75% in terms of the maximum amount of oxygen I could take in.

I started coming to CFES when I was a sophomore in high school after trying crew, which caused me to have asthma attacks every day during practice. The only part of crew I enjoyed was cross training, so I thought I might like CrossFit. CFES has truly changed my life. It’s helped me with endurance, strength and I feel much more confident in my physical abilities. Recently I learned from my doctor that I’ve reached 97% oxygen intake, almost normal.  I do still use medication for asthma, but I attribute most of the improvement to my training at East Sac.

Not only have I gained better endurance, but CFES has helped me grow as a person. I’ve learned I have to put in the time and work if I want to reach the goals I set for myself. When I talk to people about being a teenager in CrossFit, they always tell me that they wish that they had started when they were my age.  Being a part of such a strenuous program is extremely beneficial for me and it has helped my self-confidence grow. It has boosted my acceptance of myself. I now realize that I don’t always have to be the best at everything. I don’t get down on myself if I’m not the strongest, or the most fit.  I know that there will always be someone who is stronger or faster than me, and I can use that person as a role model for myself.

Every time I attend a workout, I look forward to it, and I’ve never said that about any sport that I have previously been a part of.  I look forward to seeing my coaches, and all of my friends. Working out with people who have the same passion as I do, makes it 10 times more fun. I was overjoyed when I found out that my oxygen intake jumped up 23% just in the last 10 months.  Having struggled my whole life with physical activity, being able to say that I have normal lung function is pretty incredible.  Thank you to CFES for the endless amount of support.  I am now proud that to call my self a true athlete.

-Emma Hollis

Thank you for sharing Emma! We love seeing you kicking butt here at CFES!

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  1. laura goulding

    Amazing!! Good for you!

  2. Denise Roby

    Great job Em!!! You are amazing and I personally LOVE seeing you at the gym when I get the opportunity! Keep up the awesome work!

  3. Hell yea Emma! I too suffered/suffer occasionally from asthma, used to pass out at recess in 3rd grade. Intense exercise has been a key for increasing lung function and decreasing symptoms. It’s awesome to see you doing so well here!

  4. Jessica Santos

    Amazing story! Good work 🙂

  5. Justin

    Awesome, and good shit. Great job Emma, you’ll go far!! Keep it up!

  6. Sherona

    Great job Emma! I’m always so impressed by your dedication to come and to see who can lift heavier when we partner up! You rock!

  7. Leah B.

    What an awesome testimonial! Keep it up Emma, you are truly inspiring!!!

  8. Sabrina

    Wow! What fantastic results! Way to go, Emma.

  9. Jennifer R.

    Great job, Emma! Having worked with you during this year’s open, can’t wait to see what you’ll do next year!!

  10. Ashley Latimer

    How awesome Emma! You are a sweetheart and definitely an inspiring cross fitter! Keep it up : )

  11. Rae

    I always love seeing Emma at the gym! Way to work!!

  12. suzi

    Emma, that’s an incredible story! I’m going to think of you the next time I’m working out and suffering.

  13. Brother Mike

    I never really understood how much impact asthma could have on someone until Trey was carrying me during one of the more interesting WODs we had. During the carry I could actually hear and feel the weezing. It gave me a new respect for people suffering from asthma and I love hearing that crossfit helps.

  14. Donna

    Congratulations, Emma!! Apply that attitude to all aspects of your life and you’ll be unstoppable and head and shoulders above your peers!