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No Meal Prep Required

Hang Squat Clean

In 6 Minutes:
90 Seconds Thruster 75/53
90 Seconds Jumping Pull Up
60 Seconds Thruster 75/53
60 Seconds Jumping Pull Up
30 Seconds Thruster 75/53
30 Seconds Jumping Pull Up

10 Minute Monostructural @90%
A/D, Row, Or Run

photo-10 No recipe this week. Instead, you get to know about the absolute best stocking stuffer ever. Fresh from my Alma Mater TJU. Enjoy!

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  1. Brother Mike

    Okay, I don’t get the bacon is healthy craze. Even assuming it tastes good (I’ve been a vegetarian for about 20 years, so I really don’t remember), it seems like people are getting a lot of sodium which would outweigh the healthier aspects of bacon.

    According to Trader Joe’s, that package of Sweet Sriracha Uncured Bacon Jerky contains two servings with 600mg of sodium (25% of your daily RDA). Even if someone actually only eats on serving (a big if), that is a lot of sodium in a small snack (140 calories per serving).

    Do bacon eaters not really care or watch sodium? Am I missing something on the nutritional issue?

  2. jmichelmore

    Bro Mike, you’re thinking this through way too much! You can’t go wrong with bacon. That’S all you really need to know!

  3. laura goulding

    I second what John says! 🙂 New Year’s Resolutions don’t OFFICIALLY start until Thursday, right?! It’s all good to partake in the bacon consumption until then…and NOT worry about the sodium, health repercussions until then. Alma mater, AO? Nice touch. 😉

  4. If you sweat a lot, and you do, and drink lots of water, theoretically you should be able to eat a butt load of salt. (citation needed)

    Also it’s not scientific, but I have eaten massive amounts of bacon in my lifetime, and I feel pretty good.