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No Sun, But The Gun’s Were Still Out!

Rest Day

Great day yesterday!  Here is Leah, sporting the guns and tying Loren for the top female score in the gym with 5 muscle ups.  She was nailing the muscle up transition and was just seconds away from getitng one more rep but just didn't have enough time to get the lockout at the top.  It was exciting to see this top performance with no missed reps on the rings!

Trav and I tied with 20 muscle ups each, Josh got 16, and we had more than a handful of athletes get a few muscle ups!  We also had a number of participants who had never touched a 20 or 14 lb wall ball get a great number more reps than they ever thought possible.  Props to all of you who now have Rx Wall Ball in your bag of tricks.  That's what the Open is all about!

We still have both Cori's who will do the WOD this moring at 8:30 and they are both capable of putting up top gym scores.  Head over and cheer them on if you can.  Good luck gals!

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