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Rain Or Shine

Power Clean 80-90% 1RM
5×2 (5 sets of 2)

For Time:
KB Swing 53/35
GHD Situps


   Firebreathers at 9am. I'm proud to be training people who get after it while braving the elements. Training under tough conditions can only make you stronger.

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  1. brother mike

    It’s easier to pull and push the sleds in the rain- less friction. The hard part is having the motivation to show up and do it- good job all.
    Any bets on what Open WOD 12.5 will be? I think we are due for some pull ups, anyone else?

  2. 12.5 is going to include thrusters. or DL. Or benchpress. stuff like that.

  3. Brian

    HSPU and chest to bar pull ups and a lift of some sort.

  4. I showed up at the box this morning with the intention of just stretching and rolling and NOT working out as I can barely walk today (or as Justin put it…walk like I have a rod up my ass). BUT he told me I should work out today so I did. Although I may still walk funny, I do feel better than I did when I woke up this morning. So if you think you are too sore to do much of anything today, it may actually help to go in and get the blood flowing.

  5. 12.5… Not likely to see thruster since wall ball is very similar. Sit ups are unlikely since we had T2B’s.
    We have not had a deadlift, or a press (well except all your press-outs on snatch) Pull ups are likely, you almost can’t call it CF without kipping PU’s. Push ups are likely as well even though they I think they should be banned from comp due to poor quality and judging. Ring dips would be amazing and very well could come into play. HSPU would be great, but I’m guessing that’s not happening. I think KB Swing is pretty likely also, but HQ might not want to go there with movement standards in this format.
    If there were odds and I were betting, it would bet on a deadlift and pull up couplet, so get ready to bend over and hang on for dear life.
    All speculation of course, but I am speaking from experience.

  6. brother mike

    Oh, and since we are power cleaning today, here is the power clean how not to instructional video:

  7. Bro mike, was it a video of your early arm pulls this morning?
    And a possible new development in the prediction for this week. the following is up on .com today:
    “Efficiency Tips: Handstand Push-Ups” with Chris Spealler – video [wmv] [mov]
    If you watch .com, there are always clues about what to expect in the games. I am still betting deadlift pullup, but HSPU might be a stronger possibility than previously expected.

  8. I’m also not convinced we can count thrusters out. Last year we had both thrusters and wallball and we had a few push presses in 12.3 even though it was rewritten as shoulder to overhead.
    Maybe we’ll get max HSPUs in 10 mins! I’ll be done in 2…

  9. brother mike

    So if I watch Spealler’s HSPU tips and think happy HSPU thoughts until Saturday, will I get my first HSPU?
    Honestly, I think handstand push ups are way way cooler than muscle ups.

  10. I am still under the influence from the weekend – still sore from wall balls and kinda dazed off after being in a snowy dreamland for a few hours. I wonder what’s it like pushing a prowler in fresh powder – let’s ask Avalanche X-fit. Snowboarding was pure joy!
    I want deadlift before pullup in 12.5

  11. BroMike- Theres still hope for your early arm pull. Here is a guy successfully cleaning about 200 kilos with an early arm pull.
    Go to about 2:35 in the video for the early pull and successful clean & jerk.

  12. Kelli Brogan

    Cherie, I was also not looking forward to working out today, but glad I did. I feel less sore.