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Remember To Play Sports…….Because I Forgot

Snatch 3-3-3-3-3

Front Squat 8-10×2 60-65% 1RM

3-5 Sets Max Dips

A couple weeks ago I participated in my work's annual 2 man scramble golf tournament. While preparing for the tournament I realized I had not played golf in over eight months. For a former competitive golfer this sort of boggled me. Needless to say, hitting the ball like I used to ended up making me a lot more sore than I remember ever being. I then realized the reason I had not been golfing was because Crossfit had been consuming my free time since joining CFES in December. We all know from Coach Glassman's Definition of Fitness that we need to "Regularly Learn and Play New Sports". So don't be like me and forget this. Crossfit makes life easier/better/longer, and a crossfitter's lifestyle should include sports. If there is a sport you love, or a sport you haven't tried, then get out and do it.

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  1. L. Bennett

    Gotta give some love my brother B. Brooks! Congrats on WINNING the Elk Grove competition yesterday. Way to represent CFES!

  2. harlan

    Way to do it Brooks! Aaron, I have the same issue.

  3. FORE!!!! haha! I wish I has a follow through on my golf swing like AO.
    Great Job Brooks!!!

  4. Hollis

    Whoop whoop! Awesome job Brooks… And Brooke! Broke Brooke got 4th in the Oregon Games! Oh, an Alice and Cheesy went up there to kick some butt too! Hollaaaaa!

  5. Since when is golf a sport?
    Look at the open hips on the follow through. I guess if there is hip opening, it might be a sport.

  6. Is something you can do without breaking a sweat or while drunk really a sport? Wait, scratch that, I know for a fact there are people in this gym who WOD drunk all the time.

  7. CONGRATS Brook-e-s!!!
    Nice lookin swing AO! Trying to get back on the tennis courts once a week again.

  8. I’m glad someone called out golf as “not a sport.” I think it falls into the “activity” category with bowling, darts… cycling.
    B. Brooks- congrats on the win this weekend, great job. Brooke- congrats on being the 4th fittest woman in Oregon. Next stop, the Home Depot Center, eh?

  9. AO

    Dont hate on golf matt. Consistently hit the ball down the middle 300+ yards and tell me it’s not a sport :-). Requires balance, power, coordination, accuracy, flexibility. Definitely takes some athleticism to do that. Maybe not like football but still.

  10. You know what sport I love? CROSSFIT! but, only so much of it everyday. So please, let us avoid extra burpees 🙂

  11. Justin, at least Aaron isn’t competing at exercise… who would do that?

  12. Looking forward to getting back on the tennis courts soon as well.

  13. Another vote for tennis. I have not played since I was ~12 and played doubles with my sister. Still miss my black plastic wide head Yamaha (sp?). Going to have to go shopping for another one because God knows what I did with the old one in my 15 moves since I left Grand Junction.