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Right Down the Toilet

Shoulder Press
Push Press
Push Jerk

Then for Time:
Run 1000m
50 Handstand Push-Ups
Row 1000m 

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     Are the supplements you’re taking actually working? Ever wondered whether that fish oil, garlic, vitamin C, or St Johns Wort supplement that you’re taking is actually working? These supplements can be expensive so the question is, are we literally pissing money down the drain in efforts to better our health and performance? I’ve attached a screen shot of a pretty cool resource. Its based on actual scientific evidence and continually updated. I’ve attached the LINK that will take you to the site so you can do a little bit of your own research. You will be able to click on a supplement and it will give you all the publications that are associated with the data. 

So lets stop pissing money down the drain. I'm not saying to stop taking supplements but I'm hoping that the ones you are taking are actually doing what you think they are otherwise I can think of a lot of better ways to waste a paycheck:)

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  1. Sean T.

    Great post Brooke. I’ve been supplementing with Vitamin D, Fish Oil, and Magnesium for the past few months. Generally, I feel like they’ve been beneficial.
    What are your thoughts on creatine supplementation? I know we get it naturally in beef, but is there any benefit on recovery from supplementing with it?

  2. Sean, you will have to try the creatine to get you answer. I can tell you that it is safe as long as you stay extra hydrated. I haven’t used it since the body building days, and I can tell you that it does create a “pump”, whether or not that is good for CF I don’t know. I know I don’t like to feel muscles pumping out while doing metcons. The basic idea of creatine is that you retain water and therefor can increase blood flow and recovery. Creatine is commonly associated with cramping, and cramping can cause injury, that’s why it’s super important to stay extra hydrated. I haven’t messed with creatine and CF so I can’t comment, but it certainly won’t hurt you to try it. Also, the loading phase that most creatine supplements recommend is bullshit. Just take the maintenance dose right from the beginning and you’ll feel the pump in a day or two.

  3. Nice to see dark chocolate gets some good reviews.

  4. But I didn’t see anything about beer.

  5. another way CF is remarkably different from the big box gym — “dudes” are not standing around talking about how pumped they are from taking no-xplode! It’s wild how much the supplement industry gets into your mind in that setting/reading Men’s Health/browsing forums. Glad to be past all that nonsense and focus on eating whole foods, lifestyle choices, and smart and minimal supplementation.

  6. Good point, John. Especially silly when you go into a GNC and the manager tries so sell you Pink Magic. A testosterone booster? I’m 24… If my testosterone is low I should probably see a doctor before taking a supplement… Let alone a test booster called “Pink Magic.” Sadly, one of my friends, younger than me, bought it. A month later, no visible body comp changes, but he said, “My muscles are harder.” And then he flexed his bicep… We won’t talk about that… $60 a month he spent on that stuff which I determined was nothing more than a placebo. And… That’s my rant.

  7. hey- which of those stupid supplements do I take to get rid of all of the broken blood capillaries on my forehead from 30 effing HSPU??

  8. Scott- I will try that this evening. If it doesn’t work, I should double the dose, correct?

  9. So it turns out I wake up every morning and piss not only excellence, but also about 200 dollars worth of slippery elm (for sore throat), taurine (weight loss), milk thistle (diabetes), and black cohosh (to prevent the early onset of menopause). Nonetheless, my throat feels good so something’s working (but I’m a little concerned the black cohosh isn’t working).

  10. Matt P. – Oxygen

  11. Sabrina, how do you take O2?
    So Blake, black cohosh isn’t working? Dang…

  12. nope… heat flashes are a bitch.

  13. brother mike

    Best doping/supplement case of the last two years:
    LeShawn Merritt, arguably the best 400m runner in the world, gets a two year suspension for taking an over the counter natural male ‘enhancer’ to deal with his perceived (or maybe actual, how would I know) short comings.
    I guess the tie in here is that Blake can keep taking his black cohosh, but needs to be careful about the ExtenZe because they might test him at the regionals . . .

  14. I’m starting to like this BlakeB guy. Which of course is a danger signal for him.
    Matt P: you could double the dose, or drink better beer in the first place. You may recall my admonition NOT TO SCALE DOWN ON BEER! I prefer dark strong Belgian ales myself. If that doesn’t work, some nice Bourbon (Rowen’s Creek or Buffalo Trace will do just fine). So: don’t drink more, drink better.

  15. Crystal B.

    So I’ve again come to the conclusion that I have the best job out there! I got paid to workout today at an paralympic training facility out her in the bay! Not only did I get to workout, but it was a CrossFit style workout, and I got to kick two of my co-workers butts : ). I couldn’t even begin to touch the pace of my patients, but who could keep up with two Marines in competition with eachother. Miss everyone at CFES, and can’t wait to come visit next month.

  16. Crystal: that rocks! Good for you.

  17. Blake looks less hairy than Justin, Scott. You might have an easier time w/ him. Wondering, what was your inspiration for the whipped cream thing? I don’t mean to re-hash this (I’m sure Justin’s scars are still healing), but I kind of feel like I witnessed a sexual assault that day. *shudder*

  18. Does anyone else feel like Scott is trying to get me drunk?

  19. cort

    MattP… He did lick whipped cream of Justin with a rather large smile on his face.

  20. Matt P- I’d lay off on any free beer Friday activity with scott in the vicinity… Unless you’re into that. And if Jaime is ok with it… Then by all means… Uh…
    … “Cheers”… =\

  21. Jamie P

    No, Jamie’s not so much in to that…

  22. Buying quality supplements can be tricky business. Sometimes you may not be getting what you think you are…did you know there is a huge difference between “synthetic” supplements and those made from “whole foods?” Most of you at CFES strive to fuel your bodies with the highest quality food, so why wouldn’t you want the highest quality supplements? The truth is, most synthetically derived supplements can do more harm than good in the body (take vitamin B for example….almost ALL synthetic forms are made from COAL TAR).
    Knowing the form of the supplement you are taking is essential to knowing weather or not it will be beneficial or just a waste of money. For example: How many different forms of Calcium are there? Which one is best? The most common form–Calcium carbonate (which is found in products such as tums, and most OTC calcium products) is made from limestone. Yes, you are literally eating rock. And no, its not good for you. I could go into all the ways it wrecks your system but Ill save that for later…..
    If you really want to do your body some good, look for supplements that are made or derived from whole foods (which you will know by reading the label, i.e. Vitamin C-From Acerola Cherry, rather than Vitamin C-Ascorbic Acid). Also, pay attention to where the supplement comes from. Never take anything with a generic label like “fish oil”……. what kind of fish is that? Where did it come from? Is it one or ten types of “fish”? A generic label gives the company free reign to put whatever kind of ingredients they want in there…. as long as it can still be classified as a “fish” then they can use it. And i dont really want to know what the larger companies do with those liberties….Instead, look for something more specific like Salmon, Cod Liver, Tuna oil etc… Also, the more generic brands that are not specific in their labeling are more likely to be tainted with mercury and other toxins. Nordic Naturals is a good brand that can be found at most natural health stores (Sac Co-Op etc..)
    Be as selective in selecting your supplements as you are in your food, and your gym 😉 And most of the better quality ones will be more expensive; but then again you get what you pay for, and when it comes to your health, its worth the extra few dollars. If anyone would like suggestions on some of the better brands and where to find them, or tips on which supplements really work and which dont, i would be more than happy to offer my two cents.

  23. I take protein, however I was wondering what supplements are safe as well as effective to combine with eachother.