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Rub This All Over Your……Muscles

Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3

Front Squat 10×2 50% 1RM EMOTM

For time
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 KB Clean & Press L/R
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Feet Elevated Ring Row

Photo(16) Recovering from hard workouts is something most of us struggle with (except those who take steroids,HGH, etc.). One reason we get sore is because our diets are deficient in magnesium. The body doesn't absorb magnesium that well through the digestive system, and the more calcium we consume depletes the amount of magnesium we already have. The best way to absorb magnesium is through the skin. So, the next time it takes a half hour to get off of the floor after doing, oh let's say fran, rub this on so you can walk the next day.

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  1. So you’re saying that this lotion can lower the refractory period?

  2. brother mike

    It puts the lotion on its skin.

  3. Jennifer R.

    You two are in RARE form.

  4. Brother Mike

    Wonder if Trader Joe’s Calcium/Magnesium tablets help with the Calcium/Magnesium issue that AO mentioned.

  5. Alright… here’s the deal. If the new kids are gonna write blog posts, I insist that they be presented as limericks. AO… here is your start:
    There once was a workout named Fran….

  6. Brother Mike

    If you aren’t careful she will tear your hand,
    She will make you cough,
    Do her on your day off,
    If you get under three minutes you’re a man.

  7. Brother Mike

    There was once a blank CFES Blog,
    Because the members were bumps on a log,
    I hope that the burpees,
    Don’t irritate Lippmann’s herpes,
    Allie sure is a cute dog.

  8. Brother Mike

    A blog about magnesium lotion,
    A blog about yogo to sounds of the ocean,
    I have to look back hard,
    To Olga in a unitard,
    To think of a blog worthy of the readers’ devotion.

  9. Ok… I guess I was wrong. That was a bad idea.

  10. Which post are we supposed to comment on today anyway?

  11. Dave

    I’m gone for a few months and you guys are using designer plastic pipe, writing poetry and rubbing lotion on each other. When do the pink CFES tribal luffas arrive?
    The dungeon basement gym out here in CT is coming along. It turns out that Tide laundry detergent bottles filled with sand make pretty good kettlebells. Thank you Travis and
    Time to go work out pissed off alone in a dark basement to death metal ……

  12. Is any CF locally doing the 31 heros fund raiser on September 3? Would like to see it get some advertising on this blog.

  13. DaveW- we’ve been wearing unitards too. Sad sad state of affairs.

  14. Jenna McD

    I saw that CF Sonoma County/Petaluma is hosting the 31 heroes event… not really local, but could be a fun road trip if no one around here is hosting?

  15. Aaron brought magnesium
    to deal with pain in gymnasium.
    Mike got too much to oil it
    and stopped up the toilet.
    No longer able bear it
    Justin got his period.

  16. brother mike

    Olga I once stopped up a port-a-potty, but still not as bad as Justin getting his period.
    Dave, it’s a sign of the armaggedon, cats sleeping with dogs, blogs encouraging yoga, hang power cleans 4 times in one week, softball throws in crossfit games, and Justin with enough matching different colored matching outfits and shoes that I think he is impersonating a bowl of fruity pebbles. You gotta get back here and fix this soon before the WOD becomes a 12 mile long slow run.
    I just got a flyer for another Oly lifting competition:
    Cotati is a really nice little town just south of Santa Rosa- about an hour and fifteen minute drive. Don’t know anything about the event but thought I would put it out there for anyone interested. Winners are decided by Sinclair Formula, whatever that means.

  17. Ellie

    There once was a box in East Sac…
    That was far more addictive than crack…
    It made your hands bleed…
    And throw-up indeed…
    But you always wanted to come back!

  18. Jennifer R.

    A unitard is a curious garment
    Not all those who own one should wear it.
    Some come with straps
    And some come with frills
    But not one comes with support for your varmint.
    Mad props to Olga for rhyming magnesium.
    A pox on the Pearson Bros for opening up the door to this madness.

  19. Jamie P

    You all are so witty. And funny. How can any of you be that way after today’s workout?? Those G%! Damn glute ham raises literally were the death of me, then the 5 rounds of 4 medieval torture-like movements didn’t help any. I can’t use my glutes or hammies after that, let alone my brain.
    So, kudos to you who could bust out a limerick. Seriously?! A limerick? Tomorrow, I want haikus on either the GHD machine or Justin’s new shaved head — take your pick.
    Olga wins for best limerick because she rhymed magnesium. I’ll buy you an Irish Car Bomb next time we’re out…

  20. Jamie P

    20 – BOOM!

  21. Justin shaved his head? I rarely ever see Justin without a hat so I have no idea what the difference is… Oh, wait… just refer to Loren’s Facebook.

  22. I an humbled everytime we workout together. Keep up the great attitude! You are going to do great things in life!