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Strength Sunday

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Mobilize! Mobilize so you can keep up with the young bucks when you're this old. Mobilize so you can get full depth in the squat. Mobilize so you can touch your toes. Mobilize so you can get off the toilet without pain.

Why do you mobilize? CFES is great about mobilizing, and usually during strength class I'll give you guys some individual guidance, but this week I want you to come to class with a new one. Look at Mobility WOD or band exercises from EliteFTS, even Youtube. 

If you haven't had a chance to check out powerlifting class yet, stop by this week. 

Tuesday 6pm: Week 2 of 3 deficit deadlifts

Thursday 6pm: Week 2 of 3 close grip bench

Sat 11am: Canceled, I will be at the CF Solano Summer Slam. Do the regular class instead!

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  1. Lesley Heller

    Is Monday a sat. Schedule or regular ? Anybody?

  2. I had heard that we are closed tomorrow… that correct?

  3. Classes at 8:30 and 10 tomorrow