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Tim’s Progress

Aquila Shirts Are In Today!

RX+ Clean Must Be BW+
TnG Cluster Same Rep

For Time:
20 Big Box Jumps
400m Belted Sled Drag
40 Ring Rows
60 Sledge Hits 10/8

Scaled 90/45
GPP Rx 135/90

photoWanted to give some props to Tim today. He comes to classes twice a week and works with me once a week. Since joining in February Tim has lost 30 lbs! About 2 months ago we tested his mile time, 10:02. Since then we decided our next goal is to get him sub 10 (possibly sub 9:30). We have been doing interval running workouts in order to achieve that. Here is Tim after our final 400m repeat last Thursday. He hit each interval under 2 minutes. I have know doubt the next time we test that mile he will smash his goal. This has only been possible through Tim’s dedication and discipline with his diet. He eats mostly salads (greens/vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats), cut out processed sugars, and has starchy carbs (sweet potatoes) around his workout so he can fuel his performance. Just a few tweaks like this and anyone can reach their goals. Great work Tim!

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  1. I still need to work on my midsection!Lol!!

  2. Sherona

    Congrats Tim! Keep up the great work!

  3. laura goulding

    Amazing job, Tim!! I’ve noticed the slim down…and the excel in performance. Congrats! Keep up the good work!!

  4. Fidel

    Great job bro! Keep up the good work!

  5. Katie Daley

    Tim’s amazing! He puts in the work and it shows. Love working out with this guy!!

  6. Deborah

    great job Tim!! looking good.

  7. Crystal

    Amazing job, Tim! It’s great to see how all of your hard work has been paying off. Keep it up!

  8. So glad to see you still working so hard and kicking ass. You’ve successfully adopted a new lifestyle and are reaping the benefits. Keep up the solid work and you’ll continue to see those results for a long time to come.

  9. Bryan Ninegar

    Great job Tim! It’s been awesome working out with you, keep it up!

  10. Lillian Beltran

    Way to go Timmy. I’m very proud of your determination. You are inspiring. Keep it up Cuz.

  11. Michael

    Keep up the good work. You will be there in no time flat..

  12. Monica

    Good work cuz! Proud of you!