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Tribute To A Fallen CHP Officer

For Time:
2 mile Run
23 Deadlifts 225/155
180 Double Unders
63 Pull Ups

Kenyon-youngstromCHP Officer Kenyon Youngstrom was murdered last week during a routine traffic stop on highway 680 near Walnut Creek.  He waived down a Jeep Wrangler and after exchanging just a few sentences, the driver the driver of the vehicle pulled out a gun and shot the officer in the head.  Another officer on the scene returned fire immediately killing the driver of the vehicle.

Officer Youngstrom was pronounced dead the following evening, last Wednesday night.  He leaves behind a wife and four children.

Let's do this workout in memory of him and if you can, please make a donation to his memorial fund that will benefit his family.  We will be collecting donations in the gym for the remainder of the week, or you can go to any WellsFargo or Mechanics Bank to donate to the fund.  Just tell them you would like to make a donation to the "Kenyon Marc Youngstrom Children's Benefit Memorial Fund."

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