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What’s With all the Hatin’

3 Rounds For Time:
50 KB Swings 44/26
40 Box Jump 20/18
30 Burpees

hatersAs long as there has been CrossFit, there have been haters.  You’ll get hurt, you’ll bulk up, you’ll get rhabdo, CF’ers have bad form, it’s a cult and blah blah blah blah blah.  If you every look at the internet, you’ve probably seen some of it.  Actually there’s some pretty funny hating in the urban dictionary definition of CrossFit, check it out if you haven’t seen it.
2 CrossFitters and 1 Chalk Bucket is another good one.  So some of the hating is actually pretty funny, but most of it is just ignorance.  Some may stem from the elitism of other fitness sects, and some is from fear of becoming obsolete.  Anyway the hating is out there and it’s rampant.

I saw the following article posted on FB and thought it was a good read.
Why Do People Hate CrossFit?

Check it out, and post thoughts to comments.

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