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Be “that guy” Instead

Back Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3

3 Rounds;
15 Sit Ups
15 Box Jumps 24"/20"
15 DB Squat Cleans
Rest 3:00

This video shows the journey these toys can reach and what lengths our Marines will travel to make this happen for underprivileged children.

Some of you may have noticed the pile of toys starting to build up.  For those of you who have already brought toys… Thank you so much.  As of yesterday we are at 7 out of the 200 goal.  I realize Thanksgiving hasn't even occurred yet, but goals like this need momentum.  If every one of our members brought in 1 gift, we would smash our goal, so I am certain we can accomplish this. 

This idea was that of Aubriana, my daughter after seeing the movie "The Dolphin Tale".  You would be correct in assuming that I would like to see this toy drive succeed as it is also teaching her to give back.  She will often set up donation tables in front of buildings trying to raise money for needy children.  She does this on her own and of course has never had a real clear cut plan or idea as to what/why she is collecting donations. 

This year I steered her in the right direction and she is giving to something she can actually see happen over the next month here at CFES.  I am personally asking for 2 reasons.  1 is the obvious… this is a wonderful charity and this foundations goes to great lengths to deliver these toys to children all over the United States.  The 2nd obvious reason is… I am being selfish and asking that you guys help my daughter feel as though she accomplished her goal and sees that a little work in the right direction can go a LONG, LONG way!  Thank you for your support. 

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  1. Crystal B.

    What a fantastic cause and an amazing opportunity for Aubriana! Good luck meeting your 200 goal!

  2. Elite tumbling. Got this off Brooke’s page.
    Justin: I don’t think it’s lame.

  3. Liz

    Is it weird I actually got a little weepy reading this..
    Thanks to Chris and Aubriana for putting together a get event to remind us all to be a little less self observed and focus on giving to those in need..

  4. Liz

    uh.. I mean to say Self Absorbed…

  5. Liz: less self observed is good too.

  6. Thank you again – Chris
    I dropped off my gift yesterday.

  7. Chris

    It was pointed out to me this morning by a very supportive and long time member that my first post implied that you need to bring a toy to enter the party… That toy may be brought at any time and I would like to see a large pile start taking up space reminding others to get on the stick and participate. SOMETHING OTHER THAN ANOTHER DAMN AIRDYNE BIKE IN OUR GYM!

  8. Scott, finally a good video worth watching. Damian Walters is the king of parkour. I have posted a few of his vids on the blog. Bad Ass!

  9. Chris, well you just ruined the suprise to my gift.

  10. Jessica

    Oh no… we’re taking advice from Lene on what type of “guy” to be?! CFES is headed straight down the toilet…

  11. Coachability is the key to my success. Just sayin.

  12. LauraB

    Not that CFES members need it, but a bit of proof that CF trains you for functional movements: I was the only woman (out of 10 this week) that could properly remove and carry a 28′ 80lb ladder today in training. The instructors were completely shocked that I did it and actually questioned whether or not I could. A bit later in the training after I climbed a utility pole (with a mesely 10lb belt), the instructor who previously said I wouldn’t be carrying the ladder, asked “do you workout?”. I, humbly said, “yes”.
    I can say for certain that prior to doing CFES, these activities would have either been a complete fail or definitely a struggle.
    Thanks CFES!

  13. Right on, Laura! Way to show ’em how it’s done.

  14. LB- you should have snatched it and done a set of overhead squats with it… Then thrown it in the ground. BOOM!

  15. And then deadlifted it a few hundred times. 🙂

  16. I support matts idea. Throw it down and walk away. Double boom. Good job, Laura! Way to represent our squad.

  17. Yay Laura! great story!
    Hey Blake, thanks for all the coaching today. I think you found your calling, kid. Political science can be a gig on the side :).