Body Weight 'Till Failure
Body Weight "Lynne"5 Rounds for Max Reps of:Pull UpsPush Ups No timer, get plenty…
Say Goodbye To Sugar
***Nutrition/WOD Accountability Program starts tonight. The first meeting is at 6:30 tonight. If you…
One Last Night of Gluttony
***We are going to have a group dinner at Ernesto's in downtown Sac tomorrow…
All The Cool Kids Are Doing It
7 Rounds For Time Of:10 KB Swing 70/4430 Double Unders15 Push Ups Keeping track…
How's Your Snatch Doin' Today
Do the following sequence as many times as possible in 2 minutes for 5…
The Achievements Just Don't Stop Around Here
5 Rounds for Time:5 Power Clean BW/.75BW10 Box Jumps – As High As Possible…
WOD Buddies
5 Rounds for Time of:Run 200m15 DB Thrusters 40’s/20’s15 Burpees Margaret and Karen did…
Announcing Nutrition/WOD Accountability Program
For those of you who are ready to go even farther beyond what you…
Heavy Weights, High Output
5 Rounds For Time: CrossFit Sacramento fitness exercise5 Push Press BW/.75BW7 KB Swing 40%…
Party Time
Rest Day CrossFit Sacramento fitness exercise Announcing a St. Patty's Day Bash!!! Don't Miss…
A New Trainer in the Making
AMRAP 20 Minutes: CrossFit Sacramento fitness exerciseRow 250m21 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95/6515 Pull…
4 Months Down. We Are Proud of All Of You
For Time: CrossFit Sacramento fitness exercise45 Double Unders45 Squat Clean 135/8545 Ring Dips45 Double…
Lets See Who's Strong
Thruster 1-1-1-1-1 Reps CrossFit Sacramento fitness exercise Conditioning-4 Rounds for Time of:10 Box Jumps…
Miller Time!
As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes of: CrossFit Sacramento fitness exercise10 Push…
Man on Fire
5 Rounds For Time: CrossFit Sacramento fitness exercise5 Deadlift 275/18510 Burpees Pat Harty is…
We're Back!
Overhead Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 CrossFit Sacramento fitness exercise 3 Rounds For Time:5 Big Fat Pull…
Any A** Hole Workouts
Rest Day CrossFit Sacramento fitness exercise We had a great week of intensity based…