Strength Sunday Reads a Lot
Tues 6pm: Low bar back squat Thurs 6pm: Bench press Sat 11am: Speedy box…
Double Unders Should Be Your Rest
Bench Press 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 AMRAP 7 Minutes:15 Ground to Overhead 75/5330 Double Unders Rest 3…
A Sea of Sumos
3 Rounds:L-Sit :30 sec15 Hip/Back Extensions 3 Rounds:Run 800mRest 3 min The sumo deadlift…
FlexNasty Moving To Wednesday Evening!
5 Rounds Each For Time:Row 500m5/3 Muscle Ups10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"15 Handstand Push…
Ridiculous Feats Of Power
5 Rounds of the following complex:1 Snatch Pull1 Snatch1 Snatch Balance 2 Min Max…
Consistency Is The Key
For Time:40-30-20-10 Air Squat5-10-15-20 Push Jerk 135/95 Here are Annie, Loren, and Valerie. I…
Old and Workout New Mishaps
In Partners With 1 at a time working,5 Rounds:1000m Row15 Deadlifts 275/18530 Burpees Some…
The Fight For Air Climb Is Back
5 Rounds:10 Toes To Bar3 Rope Climbs20 Box Jump 24/20" Back for the 3rd…
The Gang is All Here
Overhead Squat 1-1-1Front Squat 1-1-1Squat 1-1-1 3 Rounds, 90 seconds each:3 Bar Muscle UpMax…
As Paleo As It Gets
3 Rounds For Time:15 Deadlift 275/18515 Handstand Push Up50 Double Unders400m Run Not everyone…
Remeber to Appreciate Every Day
"Joe"10 Rounds:10 Thrusters 95/6510 Bar Facing Burpees10 Pull Ups57 Double Unders In memory of…