Attention Rx Competitors
Hang Squat Clean 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 For Time:10 Muscle Ups100 Push Press 75/531000m Row The Garage…
Get out and go for a hike, jog, or bike ride. Go throw the…
Throwdown Updates - Team Try Outs and Volunteers
Rest Day Try-Out To Represent Team CFES This coming Saturday, we will have “Try-Outs”…
Why Getting Your Beauty Sleep is no Longer Just About Beauty...and other Interesting Stuff.
5 Unbroken Sets For Max Load:5 DB Deadlifts5 DB Hang Squat Cleans5 DB Push…
Determination = Success
6 Rounds:1 Minute Max KB Swing 70/531 Minute Max Calorie Row2 Minute Rest Jessica…
Tools of the Trade - Ultimate CrossFit Gym Bag
Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 4 Rounds:10, 20, 30, 40 Yard Suicide Shuttle Run10 DB Thrusters…
What Should Be On Your Christmas List
AMRAP 15 Minutes:Run 400m15 Toes To Bar15 Ring Dips Are you tired of struggling…
CrossFit vs Golf
Deadlift5-5-5-3-3-3 7 Rounds for Time80% of that days 3RM x 8 Repsfollowed by 30 Sec…
The Purpose of a Warm-Up
REST DAYGreat day for writing new goals, check out a new CrossFit or perhaps…
'Tis the Season
For Time:10 Wall Walks15 Deadlifts 85%30 Walking Lunges 35/2020 Box Jumps 40/30"40 Ball Slams…
Party Pics
Bench Press 3-3-3-1-1-1 4 Rounds For Time:10 Bench Press BW/.75BW10 Ring Dips20 Lateral Box…
Adaptations Anyone?
3 Rounds for Time:10 Ground to Overhead 135/9520 Pull Ups30 Hollow Rocks40 KB Sumo…
When Life Beckons
Overhead Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3 400m Sled Drag 135/90Then 2 Minutes of Each of the Following…
Quick Rant About Picking Up Your Crap
AMRAP 20 Minutes:400m Run10 Deadlift 185/1155/2 Muscle Ups Here is a bi-annual rant about…
The Yolo Classic Crew
Power Clean 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 3 Rounds For Time:200m Run30 Double Unders Sabrina, Biggie, Lippy, myself,…