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Veni, Vidi, Vici: I came, I saw, I conquered

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1
Max HSPU After Each Attempt

For Time:
Run 800 Meters
21 thrusters 75/53
21 L-Pullups 


            In Crossfit, one is only as strong as their weakest link.  As Crossfit athletes we invest much time into training our “goats” and working on becoming well-rounded individuals, a noble goal indeed.  We love reminiscing with those who’ve suffered beside us how horrible a workout was, using the opportunity to bond with our box-mates.  However, the burden of our goal of general physical fitness often leaves us obsessing over our inadequacies and doing those things that we “need to improve” rather than what we most enjoy.  I for one am tired of feeling inadequate…no jokes people.

            I’m curious to know some of your strengths.  I want to hear about a workout that you walked away knowing that you made it your *itch.  Perhaps tell me your ideal workout or an area in which you’ve seen vast improvement.  Also, to what would you credit this performance?  Is it your past athletic history, perhaps your body proportions, was it the mindset you carried into that workout, perhaps it was Justin cheering you one (yeah right), or was it just some innate ability.  Acknowledging your achievements is important to keeping yourself motivated and enthusiastic.  For some of us acknowledging accomplishments may come all to naturally, it is not to you that I speak, but I am interested in those of you who are often too modest to brag.

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  1. Cherie

    11:45 and no comments?
    I think one of my strengths is push ups. Every time I double faulted playing tennis as a kid my coach made me do 10 pushups. My serve was/is one of the weakest parts of my game so yeah, LOTS OF PUSHUPS!

  2. Amy Muraki

    Tabata: Childbirth!
    To date is has been the biggest challenge I’ve ever faced and I think it has made me stronger and willing to keep going even when I want to quit.
    Because I know I can do it!

  3. This is where I will be chillin this afternoon if anyone wants to join in.  The water is getting pretty warm, the beach is soft, and the current is very safe.  Will be out there after 3:30ish.
    Picture 1
    click map to enlarge

  4. Brother Mike

    Amy, you are taking a long rest between reps. Right Jamie and Matt P?
    On an unrelated note, if you are at the point you are running off to crossfit competitions, you might want to get your own weightlifting shoes, especially if you are thinking about borrowing a $200 pair of Nikes that someone uses 3-5 times a week and couldn’t find this morning when he went to work on snatch drills. Lene’s have his name on the back, I would check those puppies out since they get used about once a month.

  5. Jon bik

    I remember looking at the girls and seriously disappointed that I probably wouldn’t be able to rx them. Now I am. Most anyway. I’m not saying I cant again. You really never know. Miss all you cfes’ers.

  6. Jessica

    I’d have to agree with childbirth being something that I am proud of accomplishing… 2 natural childbirths lasting 26.5 and 24 hours showed me I can do anything. Moving to sac not knowing a soul and joining an elite group of athletes is intimidating. I am well aware of my many faults but my determination will see me through them.

  7. That’s very strange for I too would have to say childbirth. I can remember thinking how bright everything seemed and that I was lucky to have survived that.

  8. I would say my biggest accomplishment would be getting back in the saddle, both literally and figuratively, and coming back to the box after breaking my back. So far, I can do far less than I was able to do (that’s an understatement) but I have full confidence in Justin and the team at cfes in getting me back in shape! After 2 workouts, I can barely walk, but no back pain!! It’s working 🙂

  9. Dammit, he’s not speaking to me.

  10. Jennifer R.

    My greatest ability? I just keep going. I don’t stop. I have extraordinarily low kinesthetic intelligence, and not much physical courage. I just keep pushing and going. Sometimes I have big breakthroughs, and sometimes I inch along for months at a time.
    My two cents on the child birth thing is this: the difference between crossfit and childbirth is that with crossfit (and marathons, too) you can decide to stop. That makes it both easier and harder.

  11. I can pick heavy shit off the ground. I guess I was born for heavy manual labor, from a long line of hard working peasants somewhere.

  12. Pete H

    Blake, your comment cracked me up 🙂
    My pull-ups are alright, but my big achievement is Just Showing Up despite never feeling like it. I tell myself I’m only allowed to not go if I ever leave class sorry I was there, and that hasn’t happened yet.
    Travis has many superpowers, but one worth mentioning is I think that picture is him after a box-jump.

  13. So cute! I already like you on FB and also get your posts on Google Reader. 🙂