Last Day To Register For RTFH!!!
5 Rounds Each For Time:12 DB Push Press 45/3010, 20, 30, 40 Yard Suicude12…
Big Al's Got Hops
2 Rounds For Time:50 Ring Dips75 Ball Slams100 Double Unders5 Rope Ascents(15 Minute Time…
Strength Sunday
Some assistance work post-bench workout: banded pullaparts, tricep pulldowns, and shoulder raises. We target…
The Couple That Deadlifts Toghther...
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Rounds, 90 seconds each:5 Unbroken Ground To Overhead @ 65%Max Overhead…
What's Worse Than Farmer Carry?
5 Rounds, 90 seconds each:80 Yard Sled Push5 BurpeesMax KB Swing 70/53Rest 90 seconds…
You Boys Better Get To Work
3 Rounds:1000m Row3 Min Rest 21-15-9 of:Strict Toes To BarHandstand Walk (ft) A lot…
Spooky Saturday and Strength Sunday
Thanks to Cherie and Brian for hosting their annual Halloween party! (And for loaning…
How To Pick Up Chicks
"Filthy Fifty"For Time:50 Box Jump 24/20"50 Jumping Pull Up50 KB Swing 35/2650 Walking Lunges50…
Want to Train With an Olympian?
3 Rounds For Time:400m Run21 Alt. DB Snatch 40/3012 Chest to Bar Pull Up…
A Little Inspiration
Weighted Dips 5-5-5-3-3-3 AMRAP 15 Minutes:30 Double Unders20 Air Squats10 GHD Sit Ups5 Muscle…
It's That Time Of Year Again
5 Sets:1 Snatch Balance+ 2 Overhead Squats EMOTM 10 Minutes:3 Push Jerks @ 70%7…