East Sac Barbell Clips
Power Clean 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 EMOTM 10 Minutes:3 Seated Box Jumps 30"/24"7 Pull Ups East Sac…
Mobilize The Fam
For Time:Run 1200m150 Double Unders30 BurpeesRun 800m100 Double Unders20 BurpeesRun 400m50 Double Unders10 Burpees…
Alright Softies, Hope You Had Your PR Bar!
Newbie Throwdown! What would Roger have to say about this? Go out there and…
Lene Is Full Of Surpirses
Overhead Squat 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 10 Minute AMRAP: 2 Push Press @ 135# 3 Split Jerks…
Calling All Stong Persons and CF'ers
5 Rounds For Time:15 Knees To Elbows15 Hip Extension15m Handstand Walk15 Box Jump 24"/20"…
Another Tool For Us "Soft" CFer's
7 Sets:3 Deadlifts+3 Sumo-Deadlifts For Time:21-15-9Kettlebell SwingsRing Dips As flattering as it was…
East Sac Barbell Club 1st Mock Oly Meet
Rest Day Yesterday was the 1st mock meet for the barbell club in thier…
Annonucing Our New Class, FlexNastics
Snatch70% x 275% x 280% x 1-1-1 '08 CF Games Final EventFor Time:30 Squat…
New Shirts, New Deal, Limited Time, Get In On It!
EMOTM of 15 Minutes Alternate Between:80yd Push Prowler Push 50/30 (even minutes)10 KB Swing…
Getting Your Beauty Sleep?
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 @ 75-85% 5 Rounds:12 DB Deadlift6 DB Push Press12 Toes To…
So You Say You Wanna Get Stronger...
4 Rounds:Row 500mRun 400m This weekend is the CF Powerlifting Certification right here in…
Newbie Throwdown Clues and Teams
Sumo Deadlift 3-3-3-2-2-2-2 Partner AMRAP 12 Minutes:Carry Partner 50ft10 BurpeesOther Partner Goes You all…