Does Your Mom Have Abs Like This?
Clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 crossfit sacramento If you want to get some abs like…
Nothing Fancy
"Nancy" crossfit sacramento5 Rounds For Time:Run 400m15 Overhead Squat 95/65 Here is the model…
St. Michael's School Squat Contest
Rest Day crossfit sacramento Last night was the St. Micheal's School Crab Feed fund…
Happy 35th B-Day Pat
"The Party Harty" For Time:30 Pull Ups5 DB Thruster 30's/15's25 Pull Ups10 DB Thruster…
This Is Nuts
Tabata:Pull UpsPush UpsBurpeesHanging Knees To ElbowsSquatsDouble Unders *Do 4 minutes (8 sets) of each…
The Health Lift
Deadlift 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 crossfit sacramento If you can check your ego and focus on form…
Bring Your Running Shoes
"Kelly"5 Rounds for Time:Run 400m30 Box Jump 24/1830 Wall Ball 20/12 Here is a…
We Warned You this Day Would Come
For Time:100 Burpees with Vertical Leap 12"/8" The All Star Team shown above going…
Possibly, "The Hardest Workout Ever!"
"Filthy Fifties"For Time:50 Box Jump 24"/18"50 Jumping Pull Up50 KB Swing 35/2650 Walking Lunges50…
Happy New Year
For Time:Take 800mg MotrinDrink 1/2 Gallon of WaterTake 2 Multi-VitaminsDrink 1/2 Gallon of WaterGet…
Raising the Bar
21-15-9 of:Sumo Deadlift High Pull 135/95Push Jerk 135/95Front Squat 135/95 Use the same barbell…
Brute Strength
Thruster 3-3-3-3-3 RepsGet STRONG! Click image to enlarge We finally whooped the specimen. Erika…