Sac High Meet and Strength Sunday
Which one of these things doesn't belong? Just kidding, Baby O is always welcome. …
Please Be Careful
Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5, all > 75% For Time:1000m Row50 Low Hang Squat Snatch 45/3330…
Sign Up For The Open
For Time:100 yard Walking LungeThen 3 rounds:40 Yard DB Farmers Carry 45/35's15 DB Push…
Don't Be That Guy!
Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5 all > 75% 3 Rounds For Time:10 Shoulder to Overhead 135/9510…
SacTown Throwdown and Strength Sunday
Here's Sabrina in her 30 second axle hold from today's Throwdown strongman ladder. Congrats…
Larry Larry Quite "the bad ass"
Gymnastics SkillsFor Time:Walk 200' Handstand Walk Row 1000mRest 3:00 3 Rounds The warm-up will…
Is This A Part Of Matt P's Squat Club?
Back Squat EMOTM For 12 Minutes:70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 95%, 90%, 85%, 80%,…
Masters Heros
For Time:10 Muscle Ups20 Cal Row30 KB Swings 70/5340 GHD Situps50 Heavy Rope Doubles50…
And You're Spent!
5 x 1-1-1-1CleanHang Squat CleanPush PressPush Jerk EMOTM 5 Min:3 Box Jump 42/3610 C2B…