How's Ur Handstand?
5 Rounds:15 Steps Goblet Lunge 70/5315 KB Swing 70/5315 Box Jumps 24/20" If squatting…
Mastering The Thruster
For Time:500m Row50 Pull Ups400m Row40 Pull Ups300m Row30 Pull Ups200m Row20 Pull Ups100m…
Congrats Roger and Gia
Thruster 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 3 Rounds For Time:400m Run21 KB Swing 53/3512 DB Thrusters 45/30's Huge…
Adventure WOD
4 Rounds For Time:3 Rope Ascents30 Pushups30 Situps CrossFit Anywhere hosted the Adventure…
Strength Sunday
Slight schedule change this week for strength class. Tuesday will be 6:30pm this week only,…
A Must Have Myofacial Tool
8 Rounds, 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest/rotate to next station:Ground To Overhead 95/65BurpeesBox…
Misery Loves Company
Weighted Pull Up 5-4-3-2-1+Max Set Kipping Pull Ups 5 Rounds For Time:3 Power Clean…
Strong Ladies
EMOTM For 20 Minutes:100m Sprint Rest 5 min 21-15-9 of:Feet Elevated Ring RowsBack Extensions…
Did You Know That A Masters National Champion Walks Among Us?
EMOTM 12 Minutes:3 Rep Squat AMRAP 15 min in 3 person teams:Max Reps Push…
Tribute To A Fallen CHP Officer
"Youngstrom"For Time:2 mile Run23 Deadlifts 225/155180 Double Unders63 Pull Ups CHP Officer Kenyon Youngstrom…
Buddies That Carry Each Other...
5×3 Postition Snatch Then:10 Minute AMRAP:5 Hand Release Pushups7 Toes To Bar9 Wall Balls 20/14…
Solano Summer Slam and Strength Sunday
Congratulations on a great job to the 2 RX teams competing at the CF…
CrossFit as a Successful Model For Other Endeavors
DB Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5Max Set @ 85%Max Set @ 65% AMRAP 5 Minutes:Hang Squat…
Anphibious Studs
7 Rounds Each For Time:Run 200m20 KB Snatch 53/35Row 250mRest as needed Alice took…
A Unique Opprotunity
3 Rounds:15 Ring Dips20 Toes To Bars15 Burpee20 Heavy Rope Double Unders Local InterPersonal…