Why Carry Heavy Shit? Why Is The Sky Blue?
4 Rounds Each For Time:600m RunCarry Heavy Shit 100Ft*20 Box Jump 24"/20"Rest Slightly Less…
Ever Wonder Why CF Sometimes Gets a Bad Rap?
5 Sets for Max Load (Max with respectable form please)1 Clean Pull + 1…
Per Robb's Request
15 Minute AMRAP:1 Rope Climb2 Clean And Jerks 185/115400m Run Going straight into the…
Some Badass Masters Shiz
Complete the following as a team of 3, any order:400m Sled Push 1204000m Row*Your…
Bob Is Doing It For The Rest of His Life, You Should Too
Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 AMRAP 3 Min On/1 Min Off For 3 Rounds:3 Snatch 135/955…
It Must Be The Money
10 Rounds:100m SprintRest :45 sec Rest 10 minutes Alternate Between The Following For Time:10-8-6-4-2…
Up and Coming Pull Up World Record Breaker
Hang Power Clean 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Alternating Tabata:Box Jump 24"/20"Chest Slapping Push Ups Chuck sent me…
Never Leave the Playground
Complete the Following Back-to Back-to Back3 Rounds:21 Wall Ball Shots7 Deadlifts 315/2253 Rounds:21 Toes-2-Bar7…
Let's Get This Ball Rollin'
Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 10 Minutes:Max Reps KB Snatch 53/35 It is time to start…
The Good Ol' Boys
3 Rounds For Time:10 Handstand Push Ups10 Feet Elevated Ring Rows AMRAP 5min, 4min,…