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Presenting Team CFES 2012

WOD Here is the squad that Travis and I have chosen to represent our…

Justin Riley March 29, 2012

Here's Why We Twist Your Arms So Much Around Here

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 AMRAP 12 Minutes:Run 800m150 Ab-Mat Sit Ups75 Wall Ball 20/14 I…

Justin Riley March 28, 2012

CFES Athlete of The Open Goes To...

AMRAP with the following intervals-Work 5 min, Rest 3 min Work 4 min, Rest…

Justin Riley March 27, 2012


Squat Clean 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 3 Rounds For Time:1/2 Mile Airdyne (Or Row 500m)15 Box Jumps…

Aaron March 26, 2012

C to tha B

Rest Day Here's a shot of Trav getting some C2B.  Congrats to Trav for…

Justin Riley March 25, 2012

Rock Climbing

7 Min AMRAP3 Thrusters3 C2B Pullups6 Thrusters6 C2B Pullups …continually adding 3 reps per round …

Blake March 24, 2012

Benching is Dangerous, Please Read and Be Careful!

5 Rounds:3 Rep Max Bench PressMax Pull Ups For Time:1000m Row30 Handstand Push Ups1200m…

Justin Riley March 23, 2012

Deja Vu and BBQ

6 Rounds:Run 400mRest 1:30*No more than 5 second deviation from one round to the…

Justin Riley March 22, 2012

Getting Loose = Getting Better

Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-15 For Time30 Power Snatch 135/95150 Double Under50 Hip Ext50 Back Ext…

Justin Riley March 21, 2012


For 6 Minutes, Row 100m every :45 secondsRest 3 MinutesFor 4 Minutes, Row 125m…

Justin Riley March 20, 2012

Rain Or Shine

Power Clean 80-90% 1RM5×2 (5 sets of 2) For Time:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1KB Swing 53/35GHD Situps  …

Aaron March 19, 2012

No Sun, But The Gun's Were Still Out!

Rest Day Great day yesterday!  Here is Leah, sporting the guns and tying Loren…

Justin Riley March 18, 2012

Dominating Your Opponent

"AMRoundsAP" 12 Min (Bet you don't get through many)150 Wall Balls90 Double Unders30 Muscle…

Blake March 17, 2012

Complete Domination of the Fintess Industry is Forthcoming

Weighted Pull Ups 5-4-3-2-1-1-1 AMRAP 15 Minutes:30 sec Handstand Hold30 sec Active Squat Hold30…

Justin Riley March 16, 2012

Got Muscle Ups? Got Muscle Ups After Karen?

Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 For Time15 Overhead Squats @ 55%Run 200m15 Overhead Squats @ 45%…

Justin Riley March 15, 2012

[March 14, 2012]

AMRAP 12 Minutes: 80 Yard Sled (Prowler 90/50, Dog Sled 45/25, Pull Sled 225/135)…

Chris Lene March 14, 2012